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E30 FTW!!!

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Everything posted by E30 FTW!!!

  1. i dont like body swapping... gimme an explication like an ferrari f40 painted black:D
  2. ok i dont get it here and the line '{O_01} 56066127' to '{O_01} 54066127'.
  3. man i'm sorry but i don't understand anything from that color table.could you please explain me?>
  4. like that alexsim very very cool and thank you for bothering:D can't wait to see it in final stage
  5. could someone please make a plate romanian style with minu94 writed on it?i can't make it myself cuz all the time ii ends up black...
  6. oh c'mon basbas u mustn't be influenced of the people...it's your taste man.... edit:oops im an idiot with that carrera gt
  7. wow man veryy nice pics veryy nicee
  8. could somebody pleaase give me the orange clk in the 1st post pic(or the 2nd)??
  9. ok i'm coming in a ruf rk spyker or...i don't know i'll see then anyway put me in:D yuuhuuu my 200th post
  10. just that tiff needell had a blue one:P
  11. i know:((now i feel so sorry cuz i was such a fool
  12. does someone has these 2 rare cars that can sell'em to me??
  13. thx diablo:D and u rb26dett uve got a war with 2 ppl ;)
  14. ...wanna see what diablo says now...im waiting for a response for about 2 days
  15. hi basbas could u please try to do the Diablo???and replace the Farboud :Dplease
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