AS far I know is the Competion version, a Saleen S7 TwinTurbo of a special Saleen costumer. His S7 broke down, and as they repeared it for him, they together descided to increase the turbo boost from 750 to 1000 bhp.
I think the car was one of a kind and got maybe a few more times build for other special orders but it was never a new series product like the TwinTurbo and the normal S7.
Also why I bump. I spend last weekend a hour to make another Koensiegg version, this time I aimed to add a few CCGT parts on a CCR without moding its body itself.
Sinces you peopel suggested me to bugfix the wheel shadow bug first, I did not upload the newmodifcation yet. Because I have genrally not enogth time to fix the cars. (To busy with work and a diffrent 3d shooter project with has a higher priority at the momment for me)