look, mate. Am well chuft that ave past ma theory tbh for me that was the hurdle to drive, I've not been learning for the whole year. A know how to drive just didnt have the license to do it by my self. As for the cost of ma lessons all 18 were paid for me. The car, i inherited but the insurance, car tax and minor work needed to it needed to be paid for. Also, i bought ma laptop for ma college course and other issues stopped me from doing my theory until now. over the past month i done a major ammount of overtime in ma work just so a can pay for the test (which a failed the first time so thats twice a had to pay for that) and make sure ave got enough savins for the practical, the additional lessons before hand and ontop of that my next payment of road tax.
So reeli what i'm tryin to say is, I had my reasons n lettin everyone know that am more than happy that ave passed it; no matter how highly or lowly satisfying it is in there life. :eek: