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Everything posted by hpluls

  1. Photoshop Tuning Of The Week: Week 42 Entry This Week's Theme: Entrants: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Rules: 1. Use whatever program you want to. 2. No voting for yourself come poll day! 3. Must be modded by you. 4. Mod the main subject, don't replace with another car etc. 5. Winner gets a cookie and chooses next week's theme. 6. If one person wins twice in a row, the one they voted for chooses the next week's theme. 7. Entries must be less than 350kb in filesize! 8. If you wish to change your entry, please just edit your original post and replace the old pic with your new one. Closing Date: Saturday 11 / 09
  2. The gaming industry won't be the same if it does come out... I'm going to miss the "ZOMG it's coming after all!!!11" announcements :lol:
  3. Installed Ford Racing Offroad today for a change from Blur. It's so bad it's funny :lol:
  4. Yeah, they did track down another animal abuser (Kenny Glenn) last year.
  5. Saw it on /b/ yesterday... Seriously, how fricking messed up do you have to be to enjoy doing something like that AND record yourself doing it?
  6. Midtown Madness 2, I believe. Thanks to all my voters ;)
  7. Ozzmcom gets my vote.
  8. Apparently they still offer it in fleet sales: https://www.fleet.ford.com/showroom/2011fleetshowroom/2011-crownvictoria.asp
  9. More info about PSPlus can be found here, if anyone's interested.
  10. Sony does have a paid online service called PlayStation Plus, but it's only optional. If you pay for it, you get access to betas and demos earlier than the rest of the world, but if you don't... you can still use the free PSN. Which is what I do.
  11. This week's theme was: Airplanes/Airports. No voting for yourself, you'll be disqualified if you do so. Entrants: 1. t. 2. SuperVeloce 3. hpluls 4. zo6dude 5. M a r c o P o l o -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- 6. TDUFREAK500 7. GTAMADDOG http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x104/GTAMADDOG/IMG_16244-1.jpg 8. Penfold 9. EyeKatcher http://i482.photobucket.com/albums/rr182/EyeKatcher/gelb.jpg 10. TDU 505 11. Variodical
  12. That was the first PC game I've ever played :D Didn't know there were mods for it.
  13. Venomscott for me, great idea :lol: Thanks to all my voters. ;)
  14. No voting for yourself, including multiple accounts! This week's theme was: Driftcars Entrants: 1. Pressurized 2. carlos_69 3. Tdu_Hedge http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj296/shadmann/Forza94.jpg http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj296/shadmann/Forza95.jpg http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj296/shadmann/Forza96.jpg 4. TDUFREAK500 http://i746.photobucket.com/albums/xx106/TDUFREAK500/falkenmustang1.jpg http://i746.photobucket.com/albums/xx106/TDUFREAK500/falkenmustang2.jpg 5. SuperVeloce 6. Car Freak
  15. Photoshop Tuning Of The Week: Week 41 Vote No Voting For Yourself, including multiple accounts! This Week's Theme: Entrants: ------------ 1. BMW_RobertL_93 2. hpluls 3. SuffokateRSR 4. venomscott http://i950.photobucket.com/albums/ad344/venomscott/6a00d83455896869e200e54f1374af8833-800wiergerger.jpg?t=1282852592 5. Bwlian
  16. Saw a new BMW 5 Series today. Also a freshly-painted body of some older BMW (think it was an E24 6 Series, but not sure) being towed. Also there's going to be a rallying event here in a few days, so there are rally cars all over the place.
  17. Saw an Audi R8 and the new Jag XJ today, sadly no pics.
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