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Everything posted by Sponge

  1. No idea. As far as I'm aware, the glass is just alpha channels. (IE, transparent or translucient or opaque) Without any regard to colour. Only thing I can think of is perhaps a custom texture that's tinted red (But still transparent)
  2. Unfortunately, I can't see the pictures as work's internet has failed in life. I can only view TDU:C only. The only thing I can think of is a texture doesn't like life. Try setting that part as "PAINT_1" Or just PAINT. See if the game crashes then.
  3. Try adding a cubemap to the texture. Also, ensure your textures are a certain size (Similar in size to the textures on the default car) Also ensure that they're Mapped correctly.
  4. If work's internet was working properly, I'd google that, just to make sure you're not being sarcastic! :lol:
  5. Ah, it's just a colour change to match his car, mate. Nothing too serious. I'd let it go if the rims were mine ;)
  6. My Entry: http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g226/metal_man_409e/20100408210551.jpg
  7. GTA:SA was easy to mod for. No limits and low poly count. TDU is very, very different. We need high poly models. A GTA:SA mod in TDU would look awful. Pretty much a traffic car.
  8. Oh no. That's terrible :(
  9. Take mine if you want it! http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g226/metal_man_409e/20100731164618.jpg
  10. You worked out the equation for it! You said it!
  11. Freezing when approaching the paint shop is caused by the magic map not being installed. I had that problem. Installed the magic map and all was good, not a single crash since
  12. Yeah, no pedals work, but Eden did implement the "Pedal -> movement" actions. Just not for the cars. If you rev a bike up, you can see the throttle hand move (Right hand!) also the same for the front brakes. The only thing that's not accurate is the gear animation. It's up for upshifting, not down. (Except on racebikes, but there aren't any default race bikes)
  13. An iFrame? Is that something new from Apple? Whatever it is - it doesn't seem to work. :confused:
  14. While at the shop. I saw... -Aston Martin V8 Vantage -Aston Martin V12 Vanquish (Twice) -Aston Martin DB9 x2 (Saw it on the way home, too) and -Nissan GTR
  15. Wrong section. Get a new graphics card. The one you're trying to use doesn't support TDU. (Most 7 series and integrated graphics don't support it)
  16. Maybe he means a 458 Italia Roadster? Even still - that don't exist either :lol:
  17. The way life goes, unfortunately. Just be glad it wasn't you pe.. Your neck. Don't worry about the CG, as good as a bike it is, it's only a machine. Concentrate on getting yourself up to strength before you try your bikes again. Try a pushbike instead, see if any pains occur when trying that. Last thing you want is to get somewhere, then have to ditch another bike because of the pain ;) Take it easy, mate. You'll be better in no time :)
  18. That's what you get for being a biker :p Nah, but seriously mate. Good to hear you're alright. A little more (or less, for that matter) speed and you could've landed on your neck. Good to hear you're still with us. Too many good people have been lost this year, as I'm sure you'd have read on the NWB forum. I've had an "off" but, not a crash like you. Best advice I can give is: We all have our mistakes, learn from them to become a much better biker. If you really feel like it, complain to the council about the state of the roads, perhaps then your CG'd be restored for free ;) - That's what I'd do if the roads were in dire need of repair. Wish you a speedy recovery from your op.
  19. I'm not too sure whether TDU:C can do that. It's only a post, anyway. It's the content that counts, not the appearance.
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