Well about HC mode, I still play TDU 1 and only with hardcore mode because:
-In normal mode and a G25 just absolutely sucked, the steering was so sensitive.... (even lowered in options menu) and there was also a bit of a tilt in the camere in bumper-cam while taking corners. And the car it self was just rubbish, there was just no difference between a audi tt and a ferrari F430 (except the price and looks:oook:)
- As you expect, it's not explosive realistic, but it's more for people who like to cruise and do some nice powerslide's, driving at high speeds was also a bit harder too drive because you couldn't change direction that fast as in (arcade/normal or whatever they call it here!) I'm just saying it doesn't have to be like rfactor or iracing... But i sertainly don't want to be that TDU2 is going to be like NFS hot pursuit (not gonna buy that one, every NFS sucked after NFS porsche)
You know... what I mean..? but I think i am going to buy TDU2 anyway ofcourse don't you?:thumbsup: maybe there will a patch with a HC mode or DLC:stinks:
Best wishes ,