I remember when I acquired the site, previous buyer (not Diablo the 1st) was running it on a dirt cheap shared hosting with a manage layer called cpanel
for those of you don't understand what means, it is basically hundreds and in some cases thousands of websites cramped into one single dedicated server
with a management layer on top, basically a UI that translates user options into server command for those who don't know how to build, manage and maintain servers,
it comes with many limitations, often time un-optimized and require additional resources to run
when I ran through some stat checking sites, the speed was in the range of slowest site, behind 90% of all sites on the internet (don't remember the exact number)
running the same checkers recently, result came in as 'very fast', sitting at top 5% of all sites on the internet
Just curious how you feel
on a side note: any feature do you want to be implemented?
for example I was thinking a vehicle stat search, that will return all specific parts, rating, related news, reported issues, recalls, variations all in one page
some of your might know I am researching vehicle to purchase recently, and I think this will be useful
(let me know if such site already exist, and how do you currently find those information, as it will help me built the API)
On a side note side note: do you prefer dark or light website theme?