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Everything posted by Eudemon

  1. This 10-year-old kid took playing Grand Theft Auto to a new level by leading police on a real chase at speeds of up to and including 100 MPH. Not only that, this is the second time in a month the little man has done it. :eek: http://time.com/5001056/10-year-old-boy-charged-high-speed-chase/
  2. It's the AC version of Camel on Forza. :p
  3. 2017-10-24: Navigation bar links have been reorganised about. 2017-10-25: Most of the 'Mod Shop' titles and descriptions have been updated to better reflect the contents of what is available.
  4. It's only one or two times then they get called in for a stop-and-go or are given a time penalty. I think I have seen it most in BTCC and GT racing. Some areas of the track are deemed fine to exceed whereas others are not, and this is where the flag notifying the driver will be shown if they do it too many times. F1 needs to clarify this area of the rules and let it be known, not only to drivers but the viewers too, where this can and cannot happen and punish those who flout it. Either that or erect a barrier of some sort in those parts. :twisted:
  5. That shot with the two Mazdas is making me imagine an amazing touring car series being possible in this game. I don't mind it if it's done well enough. How many times do you come across a render of a possible GT racer and wish it was real after all? :p
  6. My go to video when I need a kick is Eminem - Lose Yourself. Another technique I do sometimes is just seek out 'inspiration music' videos on YouTube. Some are very hit and miss but at times there's those ones that just work as perfect background music while you do work. You don't realise it's helping until you return to your usual soundtrack, then you can feel that you're not concentrating as well as you did before.
  7. In many racing disciplines you tend to get a set number of times where you can exceed track limits before you will be warned that any more will result in a penalty. Instances that result in the gaining of an advantage will usually see action taken independent of this though. Is F1 not the same?
  8. Alright people let's keep it civil now. We can have our disagreements and passionately fight our corner but insults and labelling is not something we want to see. As for the current topic at hand, I can see why a number of people are calling out the FiA on favouritism again. There were a number of drivers exceeding the track limits and so a lack of consistency in how these punishments are awarded has raised its head again. This seriously needs to be looked at on their end.
  9. @TimBud correct me if I'm wrong here as I know track limits aren't the most consistently enforced aspect of a race but isn't the car having all of its wheels off the rumblestrip (never mind being over the white line) considered as being off track? I didn't watch the race and so I am only going by what I saw in the highlights of his move but generally it is understood that the run-off area is not a part of the active track.
  10. If money isn't an issue then the Thrustmaster does seem to be the better option from impressions that you can find around the web. Be good to hear from those who have used and use them though.
  11. That isn't what I was meaning @Milli, I'm not talking about splitting GT into two different games. What I am saying is that GTS looks like it could have easily been included in past titles due to what appears a fairly low amount of content and strict focus. [I]Imagine a GT Sport option in here[/I] [ATTACH]30353[/ATTACH]
  12. As good a move as that was by Verstappen, he deserved to lose the place. Not sure about the time penalty given though, seems a bit harsh.
  13. Good run down of the game from your POV there cal. Not sure how many people will identify with all that you have said but always nice to have another opinion in the mix. :p
  14. I don't have anything against them trying to liven up the online aspect, in fact I am happy to see them do that. However let's be honest, GTS as a whole could have been a side section of a typical Gran Turismo game: Single player, Arcade, Scapes, History and then 'GT Sport' with the online aspect, missions (licences) and challenges in it.
  15. Everyone who had an active look in did know but then when you have Kaz himself saying GTS is basically GT7, it makes people start to think that there must be more to it.
  16. Damn that must be annoying for someone who likes to take a ton of in-game pics. :( Have you looked to see if there is anything mentioned about it on the official forums at all?
  17. Thanks for your view @Loz. Are you using a controller when you play? Also if you've played the other games (Forza, Assetto, pCARS etc), how would you say the GTS handling compares to them? And if you don't mind, could you say where it improves over the past games? Thanks. :)
  18. Didn't expect so many of you to own up to this if I'm honest. I'm pleasantly surprised and also a bit relieved.
  19. Very well done detail shots there mau and nice use of light too. Tasty composition on that final shot with the grandstand reflection aside the rumble strip which in itself adds some much needed colour to the dreary environment.
  20. Really nice latest addition there. What's with the reduced size that's come about, this isn't -- *checks calendar* -- 2007. :p
  21. It's obvious some people are playing this so how is it? Is it worthy of being a Gran Turismo? Does it fix areas the series has long been failing in, or is it a typical GT whereby it concentrates more on stupid stuff rather than where it should?
  22. The lighting in that night shot is outstanding! :nuts: Bloody good to see liveries being able to be created in this series too, at long last!
  23. These guys are good at the old technical investigation and benchmarking and are very well-respected. The results aren't anything less than I was expecting from the two developing powerhouses but it is great to see GT in particular holding up well enough and keeping fairly stable performance and not dropping a lot of frames like past games.
  24. I don't see a problem with people being critical of the game and/or the direction they fear it's heading. I also understand that those playing and enjoying will feel a right to defend, but you have to realise that a lot of these criticisms being directed are valid. Just because you have no problems launching and running the game doesn't mean that those saying 'they are' are lying. It's all over the web, you can read plenty of these examples and Turn 10 have acknowledged that this is happening too and are working on fixing it. As for the bringing up of content with an aim to only attack the game, that's a bit juvenile and should not be done. Glitches are in every game, some are rarely ever discovered or seen whereas others, like some of the above, should have been spotted and squashed before release. Like @TimBud above says, they can provide some comedy moments too but they need to be more of the non-impacting variety to do that. At the heart of it all, as long as the game provides a decent racing experience and has enough of that which came before to keep those who enjoy that aspect happy, then the series will always do well. However, it is good to see that players are wising up to the whole thing and not being afraid to voice their discontent at the changes being brought into the series and its issues. Commenters who haven't even played the game in question and who use only written word and other media to somehow help validate their opinion more so than those who actually do, will be looked upon lesser and rightfully so. In saying that, this doesn't mean that the player themself is completely right either as opinion is after all, subjective. But, find someone with similar interests and a play style like yourself and getting an idea of what awaits can be made clearer. In the end it comes down to how the game appeals, works, and plays for you. And if all those are good then that's all that matters really. No?
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