Right easy guys and RX_37 you are on thin ice with that remark you made, don't push it!
Ok, let's not forget that the reason we are all here is because we all like/love/adore this game. Now of course with the advent of modding and such the community interest will grow and with the game being internationally admired, multiple communities will spring up covering all languages and countries. This happens with almost everything that gets a following. Now regarding mods and such, it is really difficult to limit the viewing and downloading of these due to them being on free to the public storage services, it is possible of course but the cost of doing something like this along with the bandwidth would be very costly indeed.
Nope all you can really hope is that there is some sort of honour/honor system that people will respect and follow. And to be honest it does usually work really well however when you get into differing languages this is where you hit barriers. So to be truthful, if you do come across somewhere who is hosting your stuff or linking directly to it try contacting them first, if they have any respect for you and the community they will sort the appropriate linking, crediting and such out. However if you basically try and say no and deny them then more than likely they will go around you and use other means.
At the end of the day it all comes down to trust, if you think those figures you get from your download sites is all the people who have got your creation then you're probably about 20-30% off. People download files and will email them, host them and of course the really sad will try and pass them off as their own.
So remember above all we all are a TDU community, doesn't matter the language or people, we all share the same common interest with this game and it's modifications that helps prolong it's longevity.
So TDU PL you now know that you can have, discuss and review the mods of tool and Reaper however they would personally also like that you link to whatever page(s) they request so that they can easily keep track of those coming to, downloading and enjoying their mods.
And to all modders, it may be an idea for you to put a little note in your first posts and README's regarding how you take to the distribution and promotion of your creations. Believe it or not the majority will respect and adhere to what you have said rather than be disrespectful and ignore it. (though that will happen)
Take care of yourself and each oth .....damn I really was getting into that there. *steps away from soapbox* :D