AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH guys leave him alone!! Seriously I know about 4 people who can live TDU in real life and they still play the game because they can do things in game they can't do in real life. If it is his car and tbh I believe it is due to the fact the pics he posted are in different locations and he is not getting completely snappy or spouting off other cars he owns plus try searching for White Audi R8 pics, you won't find any of the pics he posted.
So please yes I know people on the internet lie and unfortunately when real owners do appear they always have to go through a bunch of prove it's but even if they are lying or they are genuine (which shows up faster than them being found out) what does it matter to this topic?! It's about making a decent looking replica of an Audi R8 in TDU, if anyone can provide intimate shots of the car in question to help make the most accurate possible then why bother about such trivial things as to if someone is lying or not.
Lighten up guys and Redokee if that car is yours which I believe it is, nice one and all the best! One note though, please refrain from swearing in your posts, we don't like it here due to the age group of our visitors. Thanks! :D