TDU2 is not the TDU2 we wanted.
The fact of the matter is TDU2 is not the game many long time TDU players wanted or expected after such a long time waiting. We got a few of the things we wanted such as a new island, improved roads, night and day with dynamic weather, working roofs/aero and of course more 4x4's. BUT this is all pointless when the physics and handling is as abysmal and jerky as it was and still is. Who on earth made the decision to remove key items that people raved about in TDU as well as the big selling point to the PC players of proper wheel and clutch support? I mean seriously most sequels build on the good of the previous title, Atari and/or Eden decided to scrap them and try something completely different which clearly hasn't worked.
And the funniest thing about all this, amazingly we all were probably thinking they would screw it up but truly thought; 'even Atari couldn't mess this up, could they?'.