Samsung was in the Blu-ray consortium iirc, usually Samsung knows their stuff, they don't pick quantity over quality those boys. And nige, Microsoft will do Blu-ray, in fact when they released info on the HD DVD drive they caused anger because they said that should it fail then they would not rule out Blu-ray.
As for your childish remarks about each systems online networks, Live is over 5 years old now and PSN is coming up for 2 at the end of this year. I think, in fact I would hope that Live would be head and shoulders above PSN in the case of features, but what's funny is read what your Xbox Live subscription is actually paying for, why Live is P2P and not a massive dedicated server centre where lag would not really be an issue is beyond me.
I like my 360 and I like Live, but when you see what Live actually entails and what we have to keep paying for especially in the price of games!! I mean why is the same 360 title £10-20 than the same PC version, both are DVD, both use the same game engines normally but still we get ripped off. I'm not excusing PS3 from this either, it irks me to hell seeing the same game on PC normally 40-50% the price of the equivalent 360/PS3 title.
PS Your Microsoft fantaticism is quite astounding.