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Everything posted by TIMELESS

  1. http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4130/5222491779_e31fe32f30_z.jpg <- is the perfect shot out of those imo, love it :)
  2. :welcome: You've come on an exciting day (new theme) :)
  3. Wowza, you've got some seriously amazing shots :eek: I'm so jealous xD *wants a PS3*
  4. Great photos.. but I really really love those night-time ones :)
  5. It's really awesome, although it'll take some time getting used to the light!
  6. You can find all the sound clips used in that on the LFA website, could be handy :)
  7. The first and third are definitely my favourite, I can't believe how realistic looking they are.. :drool:
  8. Man.. that last shot looks sexy! I'm all jealous again :( Nice shots (Y)
  9. Haha nice. I used to use a friend's during band practise, it was hilarious playing ACDC and Guns n Roses on what looks like a typical acoustic.. with tons of distortion ofcourse :p
  10. Electric-acoustic mojo? Nice, I was looking at getting a Fender acoustic, a cheapy one since I've never owned an acoustic before.
  11. You lot are very entertaining xD I look forward to part 2 of Who's :p
  12. That was a long but great read. Many thanks for posting so much info, I look forward to the rest :D
  13. In my dreams it's a Toyota FT-86, but I doubt many of the community would be so happy to see that.. xD
  14. *slaps Who* You don't like it? :O Shameful! Sadly I won't be getting it, price has gone up to £500, way beyond my limit! :( £320 Ibanez here I come!..hopefully!
  15. I might possibly have forgotton :p We're currently trying to fix the bridge as the intonation is.. shocking xD Great for playing ACDC rhythm though xD And yowza, the closest thing to that I've had was my unpayed work experience :lol: Hopefully I'll be doing some gigs soon, although considering we're about to fire our useless bassist and have no singer, it might be a drum/guitar duet :p
  16. You der, you remember us talking about Motor World Online? Thought I'd let you know, there's an alpha release of it :)

    1. I take it the DSG is the same one as in the R? If so, it's a serious toy!
    2. Ooooh.. I love your sig xD

      1. Why thankies :) I'll have a listen :)

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