I really don't follow politics. It's only thanks to The West Wing, House of Cards and The Thick Of It that I've actually been able to pick up some things. However, nationally I don't think there's any point in voting, and I don't plan to, because no one party can make everyone happy (nor two, as we've discovered), and out of the choices we have there's really no party doing anything that makes me want to support them. But as I said I took that test and it turns out I agree with mostly Labour's policies. I think my dad considered kicking me out of the house.
Locally there's only one party I'm interested in, they want equality for all sexes and all sexual orientations. They also want to stop the catholic/protestant divide that continues here (yes, believe it or not in 2015 it still matters to some people here if you class yourself as "protestant" or "catholic", regardless if you actually believe in God or not). However I'm probably not going to vote (I don't even know when, how or where to vote) for them because there's also no point. They don't have a following yet, they're a niche that no-one really takes seriously. Think UKIP before they gained following (those were better days..).