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Everything posted by Ozzmcom

  1. [ATTACH=full]30882[/ATTACH]
  2. [ATTACH=full]30871[/ATTACH]
  3. [ATTACH=full]30850[/ATTACH]
  4. yes I thought diablo took all the teeth and made a run for mexico. Thanks for coming back :D rip all the smileys :(
  5. a blast from the past [ATTACH]30735[/ATTACH]
  6. [ATTACH]30728[/ATTACH]
  7. I still don't get why people are obsessed with importing non-native wild life for recreational purposes.
  8. I'll have to go with TDU on this one, it's still the number one for me. Horizon is a good contender but here's the problem with arcade physics, they're good fun and all when you're playing with a controller using the chase cam perhaps and driving like a maniac, but for everything else it's just not up there.
  9. you play online at all or?
  10. the physics and wheel support were bearable in fh3 and we already have too many cars so all I want is just a map that you can't loop around in 5 mins. I don't even care where its set
  11. you don't need to analyze it this much lol, AI in forza is scripted which means cars that ai is driving are purely there for cosmetic reasons. Their performance are determined by PI and nothing else, it doesn't matter whether they're driving a ferrari or a land rover, they're going to take a corner exactly the same way. They have rubber banding feature which increases the horsepower of the ai that is behind actor. Above pro difficulty the overall horse power of the ai is increased. Unfortunately AI has a lot of room for improvement and it is very difficult to program so they have to create workarounds like these. I mean imagine modelling driving algorithms for each car (that's more than 700) so AI wouldn't crash into a wall when driving a different car. It's not going to happen. also @Diablo drivatar is a complete marketing nonsense and nothing else. There is no way to prove the game is actually pulling data from this "cloud" base and somehow still able to adjust difficulty depending on your choice... I have drivatars of people who don't own the game so that's a pretty clear indicator to me.
  12. do you have any people with random crew tags (the 3 lettered ones IGN etc.) in your friends list?
  13. just waiting on this to drop on origin access with battlefront 2.
  14. the main crew might be full, try applying for allies/friends
  15. The grind argument could've been made a year ago but not anymore. There is just so much to do I never find myself doing the same thing twice in a day. I don't even have the hangar and facilities yet which unlocks more jobs. Waiting for sale on those even though I have 12 mil in the bank. This is sort of the point on smart play. I also encourage anyone who doesn't want to deal with pvp while doing sales and resupplies to join the cartel crew. Everyone helps each other out with their sales and no pvp sessions so it's a win win
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