Well first i wanted to say nothing abaut ur tutorial but here i go
I dont mean this bad in eny way atall, but thats just how i see it and dont be mad at me, its just feedback, this is not for me this is for them people out there.
Zoqqer as u might know modding tdu takes alot of time especially wenn guys like u build ur own parts, or no ?, plz tell me why are u speeding up that video for ?? people want to learn from the vid not train there eyes
If people dont have time to watch a (dunno maby) 30min up to an 1hou vid how to mod tdu, then they are wrong here in this area IMO
Ohh yh and cutting the car in half before merging it into the tdu model is also total useless u could do that after wenn u got all the textures and materials applied later in the tdu model
I watched the tuto now 2 or 3 times i cant understand why are u making it so hard for them out there(they want to learn modding and not improve their modding skills m8) take ur time, i know no one is killing u if u do a 1 hou modding vid, if they dont have time to watch it then they dont want to mod thats it
And again still respect for doing the tuto