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Rassva last won the day on April 12 2023

Rassva had the most liked content!

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  1. All right I'm reinstalling
  2. You don't even mod anymore these days
  3. I kept applying to gta cartel but always got refused until I gave up
  4. I have better stuff than to grind while dealing with randoms who only make it worse.
  5. Bottas is Mercedes, rules don't always apply to them
  6. FeRrAri INTerNaTiOnaL AsSIstANcE STRRRucK AgAin
  7. It's fun when the Hameeltown fans complain more about Verstappen losing the position to a Ferrari than Redbull fans, feels a bit like they have an unexplainable hate towards Ferrari as much as they have unexplainable love for Ham and Mercudus
  8. Well.. Had to drive a 911 to a somewhat far city but it didn't happen, missed cars and coffee, missed a vintage car meet, also an Audi shoot. Also missed a deal on a Nikon d750 with a 50mm 1.4 for 300e. My dog also got a bad wound that needs to be cleaned up and stuff. Idk, everything went wrong today
  9. How in the hell did you manage a 1:41, I can't get under 1:45 for some reason. What track are we using with the F1?
  10. I played FEAR when I was smol, no problem. Tried playing it now...NO WAY DUDE JUST NO
  11. Had no idea it had slicks tbh
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