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    Robban93 reacted to TheAceOfSpeed in TDU2 ONLINE   
    Hi there!
    As far as i know knyazev's tool (TDU Universal launcher) was made years ago when the official TDU2 servers were still up and running, so the tool wont work anymore as far as i know. The only way to play online is to use TDU World, but you will need a legitimate copy of the game for this because a pirated copy will not work. Its a shame because alot of TDU2 keys are eiher laughabally overpriced or listed on a scam site. But if you do have a legit copy of the game, Try TDU world, there is alot of info on youtube and the community is growing as far as i know. going to play it myself too.
    I hope this helps you with your question
  2. Like
    Robban93 reacted to Ryzza5 in Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown - Head to Head (Teaser Trailer)   
    NEWS // 21 April 2021
    KT Racing + Nacon have provided their second glimpse at the highly-anticipated third installment in the Test Drive Unlimited series.  The brief trailer teases the lifestyle players can expect to experience:


    Why send a message to a Solar Crown competitors' smart-watch when you can leave a conspicuous-looking envelope on the dresser?

    Somebody better start a car list thread...

    Have you ever seen such high quality car key fobs in a racing game before? 

    Indicators present and accounted for.

    Dat Ass... ton Martin.

    Is this a hint at the quality of in-game characters and level of customisation available?  Might this person be 'feeling in top form'?

    The casino will be a welcome return for many players.

    You got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away, know when to run...

    You never count your car keys while you're sitting at the table, there'll be time enough for countin' when the dealing's done.

    Could this be the exit ramp of a giant yacht?  With a casino on said yacht?

    The next chapter (presumably another video trailer) is expected 3 months from now in July 2021.
    Don't be shy, what do you think of this trailer?  What hints have we missed speculating about? 
  3. Like
    Robban93 reacted to TDUZoqqer in Our community going forward   
    I like the idea of direct uploads of mods. I know several other TDU forums offered this feature in the past, and I wasn't sure why TDuck didn't have this aswell, as it forced modders to share mods on more or less cancerous filehosters, which some modders even capitalized.
    Would be great if third party hoster links would be blacklisted in general when the feature gonna take place. Rapidshare etc are just a pain in the A for consumers.
  4. Like
    Robban93 reacted to Milli in Our community going forward   
    So now you're Diablo, the 3rd? A.k.a. Aventador? :hmmm:
    My only concern is replyed, which was if the forum would be dead or not. You're saying you don't plan to do so, and that is enough for me. As the other changes, i don't really know/understand enough to give a valid opinion, but the ability to upload files here directly is somewhat interesting. I mean, must see how big the file can be, because my TDU project will be large... :lol:
  5. Like
    Robban93 reacted to Minime891 in TDU2 Show-Off-Your-Mods thread   
    There is a little delay as the interior gauges are not 100% correct. The problem is the interior gauges of the car only reads the max angle in the HUD.ini and not the other angles from 0-20 or 20-140kmh. So i have to make a new interior gauge that's linear. It's not a problem as I've already made the gauges, i just have to edit it. Not sure if many people even care about this as it's never mentioned with other modders vehicles.
  6. Like
    Robban93 reacted to Milli in [RELEASED] Test Drive Unlimited Platinum - v1.21   
    Time to re-discover the island of Oahu.
    TDU Platinum pursue the objective to be more than a collection of many different mods in a pack, the objective is to deliver a whole new experience, a whole new way to play with endless possibilities to choose at your own demand, ready to go.
    The work being done is beyond the gathering of different vehicles, sounds and gauges from different online websites and packing them together, it goes further to new physics, brand new weather, compatible with HDiR, new world textures and also new music for background and radio statios.


    New Physics Over 880 vehicles Correct color names Dedicated camera for each vehicle New weather - HDiR compatible New map textures New radio stations Easily moddable Easy installation Optional Russian language Toolkit  

    How to install (By No_Longer_Tipsy):

    Modders and special mentions
    Djey Speeder Pator5 Minime891 Mondodimotori TDUZoqqer Combat-Shotgun Norby931 Miha2795 Tool831 2CV SUPER GT StarGT PhatPunk Reventon09 DriverTDU Takumi Acvet06 Doctor G DjoyTinnio Urban iLLusion Zebukas FenixZ Kvrt666 VDVS Opelos_HUN Tob-Racer MagicV8 Rulezzz Ryzza5 VDV522 XtensoJDM t0m3k911 scuderia458 =Comp@ct= Sourkho And many other who have worked to keep TDU alive and interesting for so many years.  

    TDUCk HF Garage TDULOG :: Test Drive Unlimited tdu.net.ru Drivers-paradise Without everyone, TDU Platinum wouldn't be anything more than a dream, so, all those people deserve a round of applause and we'll meet somewhere in Hawaii.


    -Always remember to make a backup of your game before you perform any modification.
    - For existing profiles, it's recommended to sell your vehicles and stay only with an Alfa Romeo GT BEFORE you install TDU Platinum. 
    - If you're not feeling like selling all vehicles, just drive off the house with an Alfa Romeo GT BEFORE you install TDU Platinum, but this method might crash your game once you check some vehicles in the garage.

    - Original copy of TDU installed
    - CPU: Pentium 4/Athlon XP or better
    - CPU SPEED: 3 GHz
    - RAM: 2 GB
    - OS: Windows 2000/XP and above
    - VIDEO CARD: 512MB Video Card with Pixel & Vertex Shader 2.0 (NVIDIA GeForce 7600+ / ATI Radeon X1600+)
    - 3D: Yes
    - HARDWARE T&L: Yes
    - PIXEL SHADER: 3.0
    - VERTEX SHADER: 3.0
    - DIRECTX VERSION: DirectX 9.0c included
    - SOUND CARD: Yes

    - Additional Google Drive link

    --->  Update Patch

      Q. Why does some vehicles display an absurd Top Speed?
    That's because how TDU was codded. Sadly, to get the gear ratios to work as they should, you must set the car's Top Speed as the top gear speed. Which means, the maximum speed that the final gear could achieve, regardless of it's power or drag. Usually, vehicles that have an "Overdrive gear" will display absurd values, since the last gear is really long, with the porpouse of fuel saving.
     Q. Ok, but why it is actually the Top Speed value is lower than the final gear speed?
    That's because TDU, by standard, adds around 10% more top speed. So, if a car final gear speed is 330 km/h, if you set as 300 km/h, in-game the car will reach 330 km/h. Now, if you set 330 km/h, the car will actually be faster than it should, and will reach 363 km/h.
    Deducting 10% of the speed makes not only the final gear accurate, but every gear will top at the correct speed, if your gear ratios are correct, which means the speed you need to shift will also be accurate.
    Q. Why the car classes are broken and i have overpowered vehicles for it's class?
    Because that was the easiest way i found to get these high-power tunes and keep the game "easily moddable".  TDU will only understand a car class change if it reads a new entry on the database. That being said, i would need 4 entries in the car database, for 1 single vehicle, 1 entry being it stock, and 1 new entry for each tune kit.  That means instead of 880 vehicles, i would need at least 3520.  Not to mention that if someone decides to modify that 1 vehicle, they will need to modify the tuning its aswell.  
    That not only means it would take a long time, but that it would make the game much more complex to be modded, so i used the original upgrade system, that's based on % increase of the base vehicle, but sadly, it doesn't support class changes.
     Q. The traffic in my game is being glitchy and invisible, what do i do?
    In the Project Paradise Laucher, make sure to enable V-Sync, to lock your fps to 60. The game won't do well with higher fps.
     Q. The game is displaying too much brightness, what i did wrong?
    Usually the dealerships display a higher brightness than the road environment. But also, that could be caused by FX Tweak being enabled in Project Paradise Launcher. TDU Platinum weather system was developed to not require FX Tweak, if you enable it in the launcher, it may override the weather files.
     Q. The physics have been changed, but they seem the same?
    That's because the physics engine is the same, but TDU allows each car to have their individual physics worked on, and that's what's been changed. To match real data, because TDU has messed it up even on the original game.
     Q. TDUPE is not working?
    Yes it is, but unfortunately i've stumbled across an issue i thought i would have. This issue happens when the database has over a thousand entries, which is the case, since TDU Platinum's database has 1105 entries. So, to use TDUPE, you must follow these steps:
    To run TDUPE, you must open it as admin. Point your TDU database directory in the settings and click load. Once it has loaded the database, search for the Custom Car you replaced in the car list. Modify and Click save. (That is when the problem starts.) Because TDUPE can't deal with more than 1000 entries in the database, it will make the game crash, to fix that issue, you must open TDU Modding Tools File Browser. Extract the CarPhysicsData.db, located inside the DB.bnk. Decrypt CarPhysicsData.db using TDU UT (this tool i did not provided, but it can be found on the forums) Open it using notepad and set the number of "Items" as 1105, save and close. Encrypt the file again, using TDU UT. Replace the new CarPhysicsData.db inside the DB.bnk.  
       Q. Do i need the game or this is a standalone game?
    No! You need the game first, this is a mod and won't work on it's own.  

  7. Like
    Robban93 reacted to Djey in Djey: TDU Community PATCH 2.00A   
    First community patch (1.67) was born 5 years ago. And from version to version, it provided more and more features on our beloved game.
    Now again, things have changed. Exciting things have been discovered lately and are always in progress. So I thought it could be cool a new patch exists to set up a clean TDU - setting a new base for the future. Remember, Community Patch is the first thing to install after good old 1.66 Megapack :nuts:, isn't it ?
    So 2.00A is the first revision of this new patch. It aims at fixing and completing some aspects of 1.68b, while bringing new modding standards. Patch distribution will provide both:
    support and documentation: WIKI a way to upgrade freshly installed game to 2.00A -> all files will be included (FULL) a way to upgrade already modified game (to keep some of existing modifications or previous patch) (UPDATE) For advanced users, modders or developers, I've just open-sourced project on Github platform: djey47/tdu-cp · GitHub
    That will provide wiki, project status, bug tracking, ability to express feature requests etc. 🆒
    Changes in latest release:
    Releases · djey47/tdu-cp · GitHub
    Feature wishes:
    On-demand feature selector Provides new camera sets, totalizing 300+ cameras for mods requiring view adjusting Fix missing World zones (aka 'car falling into the void') Populate fixed World zones with new roads / tracks 🙂 Provide telemetry via shared memory file (might be implemented in Project Paradise) Fanaled API support Sound enhancements (brakes, turbo, air friction ....) GFX enhancements (road textures, car light flares, grass, sand, water ...) Unlock new traffic cars (if harmless) Replaced traffic cars with real and more accurate models Remove limitations on getting reward cars (player may buy only one W12 cab / coupe , etc.) ... ?  
    General requirements
    TDU 1.66 + Megapack, Gold, or 1.67 and newer TDUCP will NOT work on par Milli's Patch or similar projects: consider having 2 separate TDU installs if you wanna get TDUCP whatsoever Archive extractor (WinRAR, 7-Zip ...) TDUF/TDUMT/TDUPE must be working. Requirements for TDUMT
    TDUCP requires your TDUMT installation to be upgraded :
    use latest TDUMT version (current is 1.16.3) Vehicle slots XML file matching patch contents (included) See Djey : TDU Modding Tools [1.16.2+] | turboduck forum for details.
    Final releases
    Choose either FULL or UPDATE version to apply to your game (FULL will clear your changes and make your game cleaner, UPDATE will keep your changes) I advise you to make backups of entire game directory! Download links (TDUCP): UPDATE: Download TDUCP 2.00A R3 FULL: Download TDUCP 2.00A R3 Alpha/Beta releases
    None atm
    How to install TDUCP
    Open archive, readme-tducp-update.html or readme-tducp-full.html files. Follow instructions.
    How to change Patch HD settings
    After TDUCP full or update install, open readme-patch-hd.html. Follow instructions.
    Post in this thread (I will not fix problems via PM), or: Create an issue at Github project page  
    TDU Community PATCH 1.68B | turboduck forum
    See screenshots in attachments below.
    Let's rock!

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    Robban93 reacted to Damys in TDU2 Show-Off-Your-Mods thread   
    new sound for F430/ 430 scuderia
    preview (IN-GAME)
    source (REAL SOUND) :

  9. Like
    Robban93 reacted to Damys in TDU2 Show-Off-Your-Mods thread   
    These are my new sounds:
    Lamborghini Countach sound preview 2
    Mclaren F1 sound preview
  10. Like
    Robban93 reacted to Ryzza5 in So Now What?   
    If any of you leave the squirrel mafia will hunt you down, so I advise against it ;)
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