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Everything posted by ScoobSTi

  1. Yeah, they probably want to keep it all a surprise until the release. Also I agree with wanting to see something new. It's kinda weird though since they know we want to see moar but they also want to keep some things secret.
  2. You're not alone thur, man. :cheeky: We need to see new cars! :mad:
  3. Actually they mentioned the police before but it was pretty vague I think. Also, if you wanted realistic physics, you got it if the car can actually flip. :3
  4. Aw, disappointed. :cry: Thanks! I'll read it just for fun then.
  5. Thanks man! We just need a translation and it'll be interesting. Well probably.
  6. Well it's still in development. And we got an Eden guy here, maybe he'd find us talking about this and he'd report it to Atari or other Eden guys? Also they still have to work on the game. Just because trailers are out doesn't mean it's already done or something. This same thing happened with MW2.
  7. Ooh, that doesn't look good. Well up until the scratch pictures, that car looked awesome.
  8. Yeah it wasn't a request. On topic : Nice mod! I'll think about trying it out, but I'm more interested in modern Ferrari's.
  9. That's what I thought too lol. Well anyway, nice find! I'm sure they probably did some of these wrong for a reason, like that curvy roof thing. But the lights, I don't know. Edit : Btw, you know they mapped Ibiza from satellites right? I don't know if they did it only from bird's eye view or from the ground as well, but errors are bound to show up. Well...maybe.
  10. Yeah I don't really like this club only thing and I agree that if you can only play single player offline, those club exclusive cars should be able to be bought from dealerships.
  11. Wouldn't that just need a script? Like in MW2, on the level The Gulag, towards the end you can't get hit by a rock under a ceiling. You can only get hit by a rock through a script and it hits you anywhere. Same should go for this. Load a script for the player's car with a trailer thing. Anyway, I don't really think it's a good idea. It's mostly a racing/social game. This would just add to the "regular life" and realism probably.
  12. Title says TDU2 @ E3. You also said TDU2 not confirmed to be there. :oook:
  13. That could be true. Well unless they changed the controls to what I did (Home : Look up, End : Look down, Delete : Look left, Page Down : Look right), when I press those keys while driving, it turns like an actual console stick. Try it yourself if you want but I don't think it's that much of a big deal IMO. Anyway, for something more on topic, about the helicopter thing with the Q7, it could be a replay camera from like a race. In TDU, there was a camera from a helicopter that you could choose.
  14. At first I thought it was a Saleen S7 for some reason. I just noticed the white "stripes" and it could probably be another Viper.
  15. 7/10 Trailer was pretty good I guess. We can just tell there's an R8 and a 360 CS. Also the sounds are pretty cool but the physics look really weird.
  16. Hay guise I think I saw an Audi R8! :D Edit : Oops, someone posted it first. >:C
  17. LG KE970 "Shine" No actual pic, but mine is in a darker color and it's got a shizload of scratches. Thinking of getting a Google G1 or maybe a Sidekick. Oh and to add to what Ubaroo said, I don't like my phone that much. The screen (mirror) dents easily, scratches easily and the wheel (middle button when slide retracted) is very inaccurate. if I scroll down once, it's bound to go up or scroll down more than the amount of times I actually scrolled. And that is why I want a new phone. /rant.
  18. Wow, seems like TDU2 deserves a gaming reward of some sort. Atari/Eden really look at what the community wants in the game and they're making it happen. (If you're reading this) You guys are awesome! :D
  19. Yup, the Friday thing is confusing. Also they're in quotes. Like it was mentioned before, it could be either a song or it could be looking towards delay.
  20. ScoobSTi

    GG quad

    Yeah, there's no IK/camera that fits it. Sorry! Let's hope there are quads in TDU2 though. :D
  21. Probably. When I first played MW2 with no AA it looked horrible but I turned it to the max with my 9800 (YAY) and it looked awesome. Maybe it's the same for TDU2.
  22. Lol! But I really do hope they show something new though. Also it says "Action packed" so maybe new cars and maybe moar off roading? :oook:
  23. I sense a delay? Anyway, I hope they show moar cars in the trailer. They should also show the new features they put in so we can see how it works and stuff. Also the song was cool (hooked on it now) but I think we should hear some car sounds like Mielie said.
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