Hi guys, I thought of some ideas which I think TDU2 should have for driving. So we know you can walk around places, so this is a list of some things I thought of to go with walking around.
- Shifting to the park gear
- Releasing the seatbelts
- Take the key out, or press the ignition button
- Getting out of the car
- Locking the door (you don't want a stolen S5S Raptor, now do ya?)
- Closing the door
- Short procedure for the above
- Parking in the middle of a highway/road results in traffic, and possibly a ticket from the cops
- More traffic on the road, not like Hawaii's traffic (which was practically nothing)
- Angry crowd of drivers if you do something bad like GTA IV has except they don't hurt you
- Being able to walk around with others
- Walk to stores/club houses/diners/houses with your friends :D
- Walk back to your car to find out some 9 year old is ramming into your Zonda with an SUV :crying:
- G-forces like NFS Shift, but you could be able to turn it on/off like MW2's ragdoll physics
- Flashback feature in races?
- Being able to turn on/off headlights, signal, open/close convertible roof, and other car functions by yourself instead of the game automatically doing it for you
Anyway that's all I could think of. I know they're basic and they seem like a bunch of steps, but it would be really fun to be able to do this. Right? :]
You guys could help think of some if you want and I'll put it in the list.