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okar19 last won the day on February 13 2023

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  1. If anyone wants to compete in weekly challenges please join. More players = more fun https://www.facebook.com/groups/TDUPPGroup/
  2. I installed it without selling cars and its working fine now. I copied files and created new folder for platinum game. Now how about adding this spoilerto s7 with some carbon so everyone could see in next update?
  3. Got a question. I dont want to lose my cars so once I replace files will it work? Also if something goes wrong, once I put old files back everything should be as it was before replacing files?
  4. I was asking before and nobody really explained why it doesnt work. Instant challenge still works though.
  5. can anyone put online races back? just to test run. it was working way before but nobody ever explained why it was disabled.
  6. Got 2 questions. Will online races ever be able to work again or can someone just put them on for test run? Is it possible to create a nurburgring track?
  7. welcome back. hope to race soon General Error is working but need old crew back!
  8. Can we get them back at some point? Is it possible? Why are they turned off? There was still option to test run. It was working in first version of patch. Why was it removed later on?
  9. Just DM me if u want get ur ass whooped in instant challenge any weekend. Maybe we get lucky and have Jackich join us. That's whats left from online fun.
  10. I asked long time ago to activate this races again. No respond. Found some old videos Real cool, old racing game. Nothing fancy, simple. Nowadays they produce crap worth nothing. I looked on youtube how forza 4 looks like and how car behaves. I dont bother to even try. This still would be a killer if someone gave it a little love.
  11. Hey old friend))

  12. Are here any badass players that want to race time to time through instant challenge? Looking for competition from old days. If anything steam okar13
  13. but still instant challenge is possible so we can race untill we get tired ^ ^
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