well, first time i tried it was a year and a half ago i think, with help of two quys, two great guys and good modders, it was so confusing for me that i left few times.
then after some time i decided to give it a go again, it was 4 5 time i tried, with help from great guy Xtenso, he helped me a lot with basics and something more than that.
after a month i had my first exterior exported, i was so happy, no matter it was far from good, no mirrors, no working lights and some other stuff but i was happy.
i also had and i still have help from Combat and Norby ( i am a LOT thankful for that guys) so now exterior is day or two work for me, well if i have no problems like i doo with my 1M.
so, if you guys really want it, with enough patience and will you can make it, believe me.
just give your best.
interior is different story, much harder, because of many mapping to do, but if you watch some videos and practise you will make it after some time and effort.
but in the end, when you see your work you will see that it was worth it.
sorry for offtopic, i know i could say all of it in less words but i just wanted to write that there, please moderators don't delete it, i didn't trolled or spammed.