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Lambo Llama

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  1. Greetings all, long time no see. Anyone got a link for the G27 fix? On a related note the original download for Patch 1.68B doesn't appear to be downloable anymore from: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5484585/TDU_PATCH_1.68B.rar Finally getting round to reinstalling/updating TDU.
  2. Lamborghini and Lotus. Open world. Do want!
  3. Another excellent race last night, quality of the racing is excellent this season for the most part. Great drives from Ricciardo, Alonso and Hamilton. Not a bad effort from Kimi either. Interesting Rosberg keeps saying how disappointed he was that it hasn't been a straight fight with Lewis when his car breaks, yet when Lewis doesn't slow down to let him pass he has a massive whinge? I imagine it'll be a fun summer break at Mercedes.
  4. I hope to be pottering round on the PC version at some point!:)
  5. They seem to be a lot more threatening when they run forward. We seem to stall at the last moment every time. Aaaaaaand that's not gone well! :fp:
  6. Dutch looking improved in the second half so far. Needed to capitalise on some more of the chances in the first half. I'll take a few more penalties though!:msuh3::p
  7. Cahiiiilll!! What a champ!:excited: Surprised by how well we've been going, was expecting to be multiple goals down at half time. EDIT: Would be sweet if he could just stop collecting yellow cards though...
  8. Definitely a Gallardo LP of some sort. Has a Superleggera-esque wing on it, but could be the performance version I guess? Would be nice if there is the 560 and 570 versions included (LP640 and 670 as well for the Murci!).
  9. Well, just fired up AC for the first time. Very impressed. G27 now in the process of being acquired.:D
  10. I have never hated being on exams so much! Might have to get myself a G27 as an exam finished reward...and a dedicated gaming PC too!:cheeky:
  11. Been a while since I was around here, snapped this one at the airport a few days back when my parents were flying out to Europe (this was their plane). Emirates 777 by Marcus-G, on Flickr
  12. Greetings folks, Just having some issues creating an interclub race (race between 2 different clubs). I've tried creating a game then trying to get other people to join, but they never detect anything through the "Join game" thing. Just wondering if anyone has any ideas as to what to do to get one started?:) Cheers, Llama
  13. You called?:p
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