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Everything posted by Milli

  1. I honestly doubt so. Mostly because the game features over 140 cars, and in these videos, it doesn't. If there are missing cars, there might be much more left to be seen, including offline races.
  2. I don't think they would make such mistake. I think media has been rambling about it without much really a cause. It is fair to remember that not even TDU 2 had single player races in their Online Beta. I don't see a reason to add single player campain in a Beta game, that can be tested without public help/feedback, which is different when we're talking about online racing and ratings.
  3. It is getting hard to keep things within the topic, Diablo? :lol: Jesus those people who can't control themselves. (Me included, but shhhh) Edit: Ok, sure, this report and others do all say the same, but again, they forget this is still in online beta stage. It's not the final game at all. Sport mode in GT Sport seems to be the online scheduled races, the E-sports part, not even really the custom lobby races, where players could create their own rooms, with their own rules and race online. Have a game today, without an offline racing campaing is a huge mistake which i quite doubt PD will take it. Even because that could affect what has so far been their advertising chief, which is photomode. A game that only allows you to race against other cars while you're online, means you can't take photos of your car while racing if you don't play online at all. If that is how things goes, that would be a massive mistake by PD, and they would need to be really dumb to do so. But again, neither me, or anyone really knows how the game will be at the end, which makes these debates quite pointless, but they're fun, nonetheless. :lol:
  4. In the Beta. Based on the number of the complains, would be really dumb to not sort it out. Edit: Not to mention it is a bit naive to believe the full single player mode would be released in the beta, months before the game release. Those kind of reviews are the one i said, it's a Beta game, and they don't mention that anywhere. Beta is meant to be a test. Online beta is meant to test online features, not offline, so, why put the campaing mode in it? I see this Closed Beta as a something similar to this: And before anyone claim on why put the tutorials in the Beta at all, because there is a logic. These things might help people to learn how to race, how to drive, and that, in GT Sport, has a clearly impact on Sportsmanship Ratio and Driver Level, which are actually things intented to be tested and polished in the Online Beta.
  5. And on that, i can agree 120%. :lol: Better late than never. I also enjoy a race battle, "almost" BTCC style, i just don't want to see my car ruined because of that. But i guess i understand why people like it.
  6. Sure thing, but to be honest, they are listening the players. Prove is those 2 things clearly improved for GT Sport (Sound and Livery editor). But seems like we just misunderstood ourselves. :lol: About damage, as far as i know, it's physical and visual. GT had physical damage since GT5, GT6 had it and GT Sport will also have it in a more complex way, because apparently you can choose to fix or not some things when you pit in. The visual part so far is nothing more than just dents and scratches on the paint. No flying bumpers or flying doors. Why? I don't know. I personally never really liked visual damage in games, as it ruins how the car looks. :lol: Played the whole Midnight Club 3 game with damage turned off, via cheat code. Edit: And really, it's quite complicated to really judge a game from it's Beta. Sure, some beta are exactly what the game turns out to be, (TDU2, i am looking at you), but from videos i saw of GT Sport, from talks i had with people who played, all these sorts of things, like, Damage, BoP (Balance of Performance) and other things, they seem to be "editable" by the player, and many videos and reviews claim that it will be that way. GT Sport Beta added the damage in an update, but it was only "partial", because the physical damage fixed itself after a few minutes. Which was a feature you could enable or disable in GT6. In a race of 3 or 4 laps, you have no time to pit in and recover the time lost because a crash, so i think it was sensible to use the "light" damage instead of the "full" one (Pitting in is the only way to fix it). But you can find people claiming that is how the game will be. Same happens with BoP in online races, people are concerned about it, yet, you can spot in videos, a box where it says "BoP On", if there is an "On", there sure is an "Off". Which means, you're free to run as much performance you want. I have a feeling that this GT Sport Beta is not even 50% of the final game, and all those reviews, that review it as a final game, will be just worthless.
  7. Definetly not a Forza or a Project Cars copy. As i can see on GT Planet, main complains have always been sounds, which is improved in GT Sport, and livery editor, which is also added to GT Sport. Main concerns about GT Sport, have been about single player mode and the small number of cars and tracks. Project Cars and Assetto Corsa are different type of games. You don't buy the cars, you don't customize them. You just use them. Most similar would be Forza, but then again, apart from livery editor, i don't really see what Forza could really offer for GT players other than that. Because the rest is delivered. Plus, when i say it is brave, i don't say right or wrong. That can be yes, a shot in your own foot, but i think it's is better than become a copy of another game. It will be more of the same, and that, to me, is a certain shoot in your own foot. You will never be able to please everyone, and if you get too deep in want to please everyone, you will lose your essence. And to be fair, even though i am a huge GT fan, no doubt, i am still concerned about GT Sport and Gran Turismo future. It can be a huge hit, and a huge flaw, i have hopes, even though i think their main mistake was not really look back into the older GT's, which were responsible to make the game this "huge". So, yes, i still think it's brave to not fall into the common and try to keep the roots. Right or wrong? Time will show.
  8. I don't think GT falls behind Project Cars. Neither GT6 does falls behind Project Cars 1. Specially because the games are really different. Project Cars tries to be more serious, and fails, as you can easily drive slicks on the rain, while GT have always been more casual.
  9. And as for GT goes, what Diablo may see as arrogance, i sort of admire a bit, their "yolo" attitude of not "following what competitors have been doing". They remain true to themselves as a GT, not trying to follow someone's else steps. It's brave, not arrogant. Imo. Only complain i'd make, is really not taking much attention to the fans of the series. The true fans, not those who want Gran Turismo to be "Forzatized" or "Projectised". I like the fact that it's different. A Gran Turismo should always be a Gran Turismo.
  10. It is always sad to see a big brand gets removed from a game, whatever the reason they have. Toyota sure will be missed by many Forza players, as they have great JDM models. I wonder why that happened though. As Forza cars, i do agree they should update the older models, which they have been re-using for a long time. They did updated some though, it's just less visible and changes are minor. Re-make a 3D car might be more complicated than it sounds, specially if the 3D model is wrong. A single car might take a lot of their time, which could, yes, compromise the 2-year release schedule. There is no miracle in gaming industry, you can't have all, which is, good models, good programming and short release time. One of these 3 will be lacking a bit. 3D models now have much more polygons and the game engine has much more capacity to show details, that means, make a model today takes a lot more time than it did back in early 2000. My main complain about Forza cars though have always been about their way of put cars. They put the "latest" or the "best" version of older cars. Like, a C6 Corvette? Only the ZR1 model. A Honda S2000? Only the CR model. And so on.
  11. That's not a bug of Modding Tools at all, it is mostly a CarRims.db mistake. You probably missed a ; somewhere.
  12. As Beta build. And i agree Hassan, they really know how to make movies of their games. Since the good old GT1.
  13. I have a theory about the car list of this game, but i am not sure, so it might be a complete garbage what i will say now. :lol: As we could notice, the cars are divides into Groups, being Group N as normal, Group 4, Group 3 and Group B for rally. Also, we have seen many cars have all or almost all the variants in the groups, like: Lancer Gr. N Lancer Gr. 4 Lancer Gr. 3 Lancer Gr. B Mustang Gr. N Mustang Gr. 4 Mustang Gr. 3 Mustang Gr. B GT-R Gr. N GT-R Gr. 4 GT-R Gr. 3 GT-R Gr. B And so on. This is a beta game, a "demonstration" as per say, if you remember the demonstration of older Gran Turismos, it featured racing modification. I believe that they brought the racing modification back to GT Sport, and the number of 140 cars, might get split by a few more, if you count all the Mustangs and it's "variations/racing modifications" as one. Which matches what Kaz has once said in an interview, that GT Sport would have around 400 cars. Would be really cool, and could be true, but that we will only find it out once the game is released. :lol:
  14. Oh. Didn't noticed that. :lol: we still love you Myk. <3
  15. It is not canceled. And the topic did not got closed.
  16. Sure thing, the whole thing is when you just "lose" too much. Which is what we call often one-sided relationship. When you're the only one who sacrifice things for others.
  17. I am 98% sure that they didn't show anything of the real campaing yet. Those are just the events, not the actual races, like FF championship, or FR Challange, etc. One thing is sure though, this is the best looking car game of PS4, and i dare to say, best looking car game ever so far. :lol: #joinsthehypetrain #yesiknowitswrongbutcanthelpmyself
  18. And you're the grudger. :lol: which was my "favorite" before the copykitten. Hahaha
  19. Yes it is. Makes us think about deep stuff and ourselves. I share the same idea, but mostly they need to bite me twice to lose my trust. Lol Afterall, we all make mistakes. :lol:
  20. This is a cool little game that helps us to understand why we trust (or not) other people. Takes less than 30 minutes, and it's really interesting. The Evolution of Trust - Game By the way, my initial score was 30. Not sure what that means yet. :lol:
  21. Don't download it then and play with the original game. All your problems will be gone. You saw a lot of Saturn Curve on the road because it is the single most replaced vehicle of TDU history. Everyone replaced that garbage with a mod. And now i will stop to reply you on this matter, original Eden cars that got removed WILL NOT come back to the game. No matter how much you think they are good.
  22. I am 100% sure that at least 98% of the people would rather drive Combat Shotgun's Ford Focus RS over a Saturn Curve any day. And a Ferrari 458 Spider over a 612 Scaglietti aswell. And that's the reason why. :lol: But as i said, if you don't like the models, feel free to put them back, or better yet, don't download it at all! It's even easier. :lol:
  23. :lol: I don't know why you even bother to make such comments. Not happy with the cars added? Replace them. Back them all to original Eden cars.
  24. Mercedes-Benz is finally done. It's impressive how many things i overlooked on this brand. Here are some screens of the improvements in them.
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