The top speed and acceleration of the car depends much on two factors... For the top speed it's the "drag", a low value (about 0.30 i.e) gives u a high top speed a high value (0.5 for example) a lower one... The acceleration is ruled by... the "acceleration" factor, the higher it is the quicker you go and so on for the lower it is the slower etc... U can begin fot this kind of car (wich is a fast one with great acceleration) with something like: 90 for the acceleration and 0.3 for the drag and see what it does... The other factors that are really important are:
- The "oversteer" factor: the middle value is at 100 (about) under this u have less oversteer above u spin at each acceleration and since u put a wheel in the grass...
- The" handling" factor: change the way the car reacts to ur command, high value (100) gives quick reactions (can be dangerous at high speed) and the opposite effect for low values (75).
I hope that it will give u some tips to tune ur car, don't forget that it's just my personnal experience I might be foolin myself (andf BTW yourself LOL)!