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Everything posted by Dragonistic

  1. An explosion does not neccessarily need to be the typical firey explosion type though, for example, if you heat a liquid inside a tight but weak container causing the liquid to expand inside it may eventually explode (even something as simple as squashing a balloon is a type of explosion as it's a violent release of energy caused by pressure build up). The Blur photo in question is an example of the Shunt power up in action, a projectile which is fired and homes to the enemy and detonates upon impact releasing a large amount of energy in a violent manner also known as a, you guessed it, explosion. That said you can't clearly see the actual impact and explosion caused clearly, and that would be difficult to capture but it can be seen when pausing a trailer for example on impact, more the effects of it are visible in the photo so do with that what you will.
  2. Do yourself a favour and back up your data, I do on a regular basis just in case and it's paid off when my PS3 broke recently. Even if you don't plan on getting a new PS3 should it break it's a worthwhile exercise just in case and the files don't take up much (make sure you back up the right things).
  3. On the plus side, they've added a Hardcore Free Roam which forces Expert auto-aim on everyone. This generally attracts less bloodthirsty fools who want only to cause chaos to all other human players and generally means you don't get destroyed by someone spamming casual auto-aim. It also makes blips disapear as you get close to someone unless they sprint or shoot as well as removing the blip from your head unless you aim at the person, allowing you to blend more easily and avoid being murdured by posses. Personally in pub(lic) games I find someone doing a hideout and go help them out as a sign of peace which usually works as it's helping them get some XP.
  4. Or just learn for next time if someone wants a specific theme, be specific? Rather then throw a hissy and start over, learn from what is believed to be a problem or causes contravercy. Edit: Aimed at no one person, just a general for the complainers.
  5. To echo what's been said, the theme is clearly stated as: Not that you had to be in one, or even that it had to be to do with the cars themselves at all and thinking outside the box should be encouraged not punished to create more unique and differing photos. To claim Pressurized didn't make an effort is cruel and likely untrue, it doesn't take alot of effort to line up in a Saturn and take a half decent shot, in my opinion it still would have been a nice photo even if the car was a Saturn as well. If anything it took more effort to think of a way to make Saturn a more interesting theme by using a more interesting car in the photographers opinion. Granted if everyone starts doing it, it won't be making good photos but similarly they'd start getting less votes by copying the trend based on past success.
  6. See bold, there is always the option to not customise as well. As much as we see terrible cars like those posted, none of us are forced to such silly modifications. I do like some modified cars, usually more discrete, and I'd like some options to personalise my vehicle as I wish and if someone else doesn't like it they don't have to look at it. There's nothing wrong with the option itself, more the way some people use it.
  7. As much as a story may be interesting, ultimately I probably won't care whether it's good or bad. So long as it drives the game forwards and isn't wasting to much time with cutscenes (MGS4 anyone?).
  8. @Ryzza The only thing with dirt bikes is they're not very good on the road what with skinny dirt tyres, so perhaps you should be able to swap tyres to some road ones like so. http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j261/Couch744/th_Photo-0022.jpg And yes, that ones mine. Technically it's a supermoto when it's like that, as you generally have smaller wheels with tyres like that (compared to dirt ones) and mine also has bigger, better brakes thanks to Brembo. Though mine doesn't have the largest engine, there's plenty of supermotos with big motors, as big as superbikes. It wouldn't be hard to add a dirt set up to a supermoto or vice versa as the aesthetics only change around the wheel and it would realistically have softer suspension as well but I don't think many would notice. Back to the damage side of things and on topic, there are plenty of panels which could come off a bike but you would then need to take more time modelling all the frame work and motor inside (this is of course more true of superbikes as dirt bikes have relatively exposed frames). Though saying that the same can be said for bonnets coming off on cars so it seems fair game to have body panels come off. Perhaps a thread is due for dirt bikes/quads seeing as it seems to be a more popular topic lately, unless of course there is one.
  9. I don't see anything wrong with having pick ups, though I'm not particularly chasing them myself. I personally don't have a need for everything to be all exotic and such, nothing wrong with a bit of variety here and there, and even so I bet plenty of rich people buy random vehicles like dirt bikes and pick ups as toys to play about in the masses of land they own.
  10. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... eeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it'll be fine. OR WILL IT :eek:?!

  11. Nice video :lol: that's alot like me with any Mac, I have absolutely no idea how to do anything mildly important on one. I stick with what I know and that's why I voted PC. [mod edit:] Please do not quote videos, thanks!
  12. There are other titles operating the same risk reward type systems such as Grid, Dirt, Midnight Club and even shooters are either starting to (or already have but I'm not aware of) in the form of games like Red Dead, rewarding more XP for higher difficulty settings. It's a no brainer and it encourages people to use the harder settings and use them properly. It helps improve the general standard of play from a games community overall.
  13. I'm not to bothered by damage, but it's incredibly irritating when some random person gets their kicks from destroying your car. As long as you can quickly repair your vehicle, or perhaps turn damage off online, I'd be happy with it's inclusion.
  14. Not particularly, though in a realism sense yes. Perhaps Fuel could be included with say Hardcore mode infact whilst I think about it, that seems a fair way of having optional Fuel.
  15. First person indoor movement solo is very different, there's no animations involved for a kick off as you only need a floating camera essentially. Then there's all the extra content needed if they intend to have you spend any real time in there as I previously mentioned. It's obviously to late now but I'd have much MUCH rather they never bothered with it in the first place. It will end up being like a worse version of something I already don't use, Home, for these aspects.
  16. I'm sorry, truly, but I simply can't get enough english out of that to reply in any way. Something about 8 players in an already existing first person mode or something? I really have no idea what you're talking about to be brutally honest. Either way they would've spent time modelling interiors and all of the customisation features but I'd much rather they do something else with that time related to the drive, that's just me though. As a near exclusive PlayStation 3 user, I have Home for any social aspect gaming wise where I can just chat and such, thats a much more expansive experience then I suspect we'll get from TDUs similar features and I still don't use Home much.
  17. Given the choice between them wasting time on those on foot aspects, I'd much rather they spend the same time improving physics, adding more roads, cars or better sounds. If there was no compromise at all, then so be it, but I doubt those just mentioned are going to come out perfect.
  18. Pause - Options - Gameplay - Fuel Consumption - On/Off Warn the player that doing so will put them into the appropriate online servers and away ya go. Just like preferences/filters work on other games so you can play that mode or map you like. I agree it will be a nice touch on an organised cruise, but it would be icing on a cake rather then the real nice chocolatey centre we're all after and given the choice I'd remove that icing to avoid any annoyance of tedium it may cause elsewhere.
  19. You seem to be missing the point I'm getting at and focusing on minor details of my post. The point is I'll be forced to do something, whether that be a quick burst or a long slog it becomes tedious if there's no entertainment value to be found. It would be so effortless to make it an option, so my question to you is why should it be forced on me during all the time I play and why it will improve my driving experience by making me stop at pre-designated locales whether I like it or not. I don't want to be pulling over for fuel on a near regular basis, it just isn't interesting, and if I barely ever need to, through long range from the fuel, then it's not adding to the gameplay at all anyway. Stopping for fuel whilst in a non-competitive environment just seems like a novelty, not a gameplay enhancing feature, whereas in a more competitive situation it offers an extra element of strategy just like tyre wear. I remember putting petrol in my motorbike for the first time was kinda cool as it was the first time I'd ever filled my own machine, but now I wish I could just keep on going forever and the same will apply in the game to me. It doesn't really matter even if there's full on gas stations in the mountains, it's still not fun to pull in one when I don't want to.
  20. That I would be game for, any way in which I can work individually to unlock something I find ok. I have a similar issue with online achievements/trophies which require someone else to do something which wouldn't be automatically occuring in standard gameplay, I don't want to rely on someone elses ability to be able to get any sort of pointless achievement let alone actual in-game content.
  21. Even on the PS2 version I spent long, very long periods in the mountains and hills (where it would be silly to see a gas station) and didn't change cars on a regular basis. I usually sit down for a session pick one car and stick with it. I simply don't want to be forced to drive back down the mountain, or teleport away (with the ability to jump to roads, it's really pointless having fuel in cruise). It seems like an unneccessary restriction to be forced on me, which is why I'd like it optional so I only need worry about it when I'm in the mood to do so which will almost solely consist of a previously planned long route. Even then in terms of gameplay there's not alot thrilling about pulling into a gas station, if I need/want a break from driving I'll just pull over myself.
  22. I also don't see the benefits of the exclusive club cars, sure some high end cars may become popular and common but why does that really matter? It's not as if you're forced to use them yourself, and there's a class system present in TDU1 which means you're not forced to compete against them either. All this will achieve is pressure to join clubs even if you don't particularly want to, to experience all the vehicles in the game, and the common cars will just be the best available below those exclusive vehicles instead not exactly a Ford Fiesta I imagine.
  23. TDU, to me, needs to have less random luxury life stuff and more focus on the cars. Cars, a place to keep them (which may as well be a nice house sure) and a means to drive them. I'm sure I'm not the only one, and I may be repeating them, but I just don't see why I need to walk around anywhere otherwise I'd be anticipating the up and coming Test Walk Unlimited after someone pitches that to Atari. I plan to spend as much time as physically possible with some wheels underneath me so given the choice I'd like if they spent more time on features and content which improves that over anything else.
  24. I find Fuel to be an over-rated feature for alot of people, especially when in the context of an open world game such as TDU. Though Fuel has it's place in endurance racing and other competitive environments, there's not much of a net gain by having it forced upon you so you're effectively forced to move to the nearest gas station every so often, away from your current location whether you like it or not. Though it's a nice thing on the face of it for just cruising, it will simply become routine as in real life. For that reason (if I were able to vote) I'd vote as an option at most, though if something else was to be removed at it's expense I would likely disapprove.
  25. After watching both trailers, to echo the opinion of others, I find all the tacked on things outside of the driving experience itself to be exactly that, tacked on. I don't see any of the positive gains from these seemingly gimicky features which seem to suggest to me more PS Home or Sims then Test DRIVE Unlimited 2. I also find the actual trailers themselves aren't edited together to anywhere near the kind of standards I've come to expect from other up coming games though this is a minor complaint, more of a could've done better in my opinion, as the content itself in terms of vehicles and roads seems nice.
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