So they've finally done it, the movie from Assassin's Creed.
Most of us have surely seen various short-movies that are set around the AC-universe, even parkour/freerunning videos have been themed to this, and as Warcraft movie hits the screens this summer, Assassin's Creed movie heads to them at 21st December, this very year!
See the trailer for yourself and tell us what you think:
My first thought: What the heck were they thinking when they put that rap-song (Kanye West I was told, never listened to it so couldn't say for sure) to the trailer when the picture transferred from "today" to the renaissance era? That person should be hit in the face real hard to be honest. It just does not fit there, it has absolutely nothing to do with Assassin's Creed, nothing to do with renaissance era, so in who's dreams was this a good implementation?
Second thought: This is freaking amazing! I've honestly been afraid of every movie that are being based on video games, but since they've already made books and all from Assassin's Creed, it couldn't be that bad, right? The Books can be used to assure that they follow the specifics and games on the other hand give a perfect audiovisual road to success with this movie.
It is a must see for me, not sure if I'll be heading to the theaters in order to see it, but I'll be getting it on Blu-ray, no doubt!