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The burner of rubber

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  1. Can someone please tell me how I can fix a downloaded copy of TDU? I can get to the title screen, but it just crashes after that. Any assistance is welcome.
  2. Does anybody here know if the music for the prerace menu has a file in the "bnk" folder? If yes, what's it called?
  3. How about actually making MP3 files the music you hear in the menus? How do you do that?
  4. So, I'm just curious: how can I program my own menu music into TDU Platinum? I already know how to program music for the radio, but how can I do it for the menus (house, boutique, garage...)
  5. Apparently, when the patch is applied, the game gets a no CD drive found error.
  6. Do I need to have a disc for the megapack to install?
  7. I assume that one's unable to add individual cars from the megapack into Platinum to replace existing ones?
  8. Where can I find those files to put in Platinum?
  9. Does that mean Platinum already has cars such as the Caddy Cien, Holden Efijy, etc.?
  10. Alright. Please note that I installed TDU Platinum (mod and game) from a tutorial video on YouTube.
  11. An error comes up in which it tells you that no CD rom drive has been found.
  12. Can you put your very own music into TDU Platinum? Going through the files, I found songs for each station listed there. This seems to have had me come to the conclusion that users may implement their own songs into the mod. In order for the songs to work, how do you get info on them, such as radio station names?
    Nice concept. How did you change the house/dealership/race over music? I recognize a couple of them from Sega GT and Midnight Club 3.
  13. Hi, The Burner of Rubber here. Since I'm new to this community (and enjoying what I'm experiencing, I would like to know how to install mods. With sound effects, such as the announcer at the start of races, what can I do to substitute another south with that?
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