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Everything posted by Who

  1. ive seen all his reviews and love them. hes sarcastic as hell and brutally honest. just how i like it :D
  2. hahahahaha classic video :p
  3. its one of those stupid jokes, such as: whats yellow and tastes of wee? wee
  4. next time i'm online i'll check to see if the replay trick works heres an example of what we get and cant we just have our word taken for it. pressumably, if we dont believe a score we can ask them to prove how fast they are around said race against someone else? if they are as blazigly quick as they claim to be then surely they could easily beat you in a race
  5. i saw a black ferrari 355 in town yesterday as per nige's comments, i doubt the people would mind teenage boys drooling and taking pics of their cars, if they didnt want the attention they wouldnt drive a car that sounds like the wrath of the gods and looks like its about to eat you.
  6. yeah, DownLoadable Content there are 6 packs availible to buy, aswell as 4 free booster packs edit: every pack comes with 1 free car
  7. -Will the wireless steeringwheel from microsoft (wich isn't wireless in fact) work with TDU ? Yes, it works fine, and whilst the forcefeedback feels like an afterthought, it works quite well -If I want to play online, how much money does it cost ? £5 a month, £12 for 3 months £35 a year of you're british (IIRC) -Or, would it be smarter to buy an ps3 with an other racegame? No it would not, TDU is trully individual and nothing the PS3 has can match it -Are there any more functions in tdu on xbox than on the pc ? You Get DLC, the game runs more stable than PC (from what ive heard) and the servers are pretty reliable
  8. Alter Bridge - Metalingus a personal favorite :D
  9. in teh meantime i have my own 5 minuite thing :p
  10. no worries. just work your magic as you see fit :p
  11. as i said, we should do it in practice run things you can do for multiplayer races, so us HCM preferrers can enter, with a seperate leaderboard. So say, we choose a course (for example, may the best man win) choose a class (say D) and ask people to post their times (also, to be fair to PC users, disallow DLC cars) and state whether HCM or ACM, then have 2 leaderboards. one for people with skill, the other for morons :p if we do that, i reckon the first race should be the keleoke pass race :p
  12. i know you dont like rendering but being as that is CGI rendering should be a piece of cake
  13. One day, a young boy goes to his mother and asks: "Why am i called Leaf mum?" "Well son, its because when you were a baby, a leaf landed on your head" satisfied with the response, he leaves. The next day, his little sister comes to the mother and says: "Mum, why am i called Petal?" "Its because as a baby, a petal landed on your head" She is also happy and leaves. The Next day their brother comes in and goes: "gabbrrrrrellllllinnnndhdhdhdghdhyesjkds" *starts foaming from mouth* The mother replies "Shut up fridge"
  14. *gets a bucket to mop up the puddle of drool* me want diesel R8! its going to outsell any of the american muscleboats by miles too.
  15. us 360 users have the advantage of the 250GTO :p although im not entering as i hate easy mode...
  16. changed with resizer on my comp...
  17. like the audi one :D did you know theres a diesel R8 comming?
  18. cheers for the maxx :D glad you're making 2, the 1st one is great and all, but im not the biggest fan of the new mini (or as i call it, the fatti) still, looks ace :D oh yeah, can you put the wording as Crazed Dodgem rather than LwsBrck too? cheers (y)
  19. just a suggestion... buuuuut... you know how in multiplayer challenges there is an option to test drive the course (press Y for Xbox 360 users) well, maybe future challenges could be based on those practice run times. this leaves the ability open to use hardcore mode aswell as normal mode, and have a split leaderboard... what you think?
  20. *opens book of politically incorrect jokes* what happened to the irish terrorist who tried to blow up a bus? he burned his mouth on the exhaust pipe whats blue and screws old ladies? Hypothermia Whats blue and screws old ladies? the conservatives what animal has a knob in the middle of its back? a police horse why is the bible like a Pen0r? you get it forced down your throat by a priest what has 8 legs and makes women scream? Gang Rape How do you get a fat girl into bed? Piece of cake... did you hear about the man with 5 pen0rs? his pants fitted like a glove!
  21. same as khevo, also, if you call this a 'special' then it wont leave the possibilty open for a second top gear...
  22. yeah, indie can be samey, but saying at all is is a gross generalisation. i mean, thats like saying...: Noisettes = Franz Ferdinand = Kaiser Cheifs = Fratellis = The Zutons = The Killers etc. i mean, how does: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGLYNtqGuyQ sound like:
  23. i got 26 and i been using a mac since christmas :p
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