Technically the tools are much much better than they were before and as I said, they allow for the model to much smoother now and not have those imperfections Zoqqer has on his model. All I am saying is, maybe if he hates the comments from the community so much then he would make it again and fix those imperfections.
As for abusing the rep system. I do not and don't think I ever have, I just think that if someone in the community really doesn't like a mod that someone had made, I reckon they are entitled to -rep to show that they think the model could be better and that way it makes the modder think that they could have done it better which leads them thinking about fixing the model to make it better.
But tell me this, what do you think the point in the -rep being there is?
Also, you are wrong. I don't have it in for Zoqqer. Over other means, I actually tell "other modders" that I am unhappy with a mod they've done and give him ideas on how to fix it or what I don't like about it. Just because I don't post it over this forum, doesn't mean that I don't criticise other modders for doing things.