I have a strange story, I'd like to share with you all..
Okay, here it goes.
Today I was at school, and during recess, we're allowed to exit the school, so a friend and I went down to the baker to get something for the sweet tooth... Nothing out of the ordinary, until the way back..
We were standing at a pedestrian crossing, when a bright yellow Transit pulled up.. No issues there, except he slowly rolled closer to as, while we were crossing, so obviously, I just glance up at him.. When we've crossed the road, we walk about ten meters, when a Ford Focus pulls up, and asks me to come over to him.. Now, it's not unusual that people ask for directions in this area.. So when I go over to the window, he pulls out a badge and says he's from the police.. I'm standing there thinking that he's looking for somebody, or something like that.. Then he says to me, that it's inconsiderate for other trafficants that we "stroll" over the road, which we weren't by the way, and that I shouldn't stare provocative at motorists.. And that he next time around will need to pull out a pen and a piece of paper.. (Probably to write my name down or something)
My question is, what's the minimum speed you need to cross the road in? I mean, what the hot place is wrong with this dude?
I mean, a couple of weeks ago, a guy was almost assaulted on the lawn outside my house, but, and I quote; "There's only one unit in the area, and it's busy.. Can you take care of it yourself?" And now they're pulling me over for strolling! WTF?
I'm just speechless :D