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Everything posted by S71NG3R

  1. Yes they are good shots madmax. I will get some action shots tomorrow and post them here.
  2. As promised here are some screen shots. Oh and it looks 10x better in real time but here you go...........
  3. Yes Vista problem. Install it to another folder then manually copy each file back to the folders. A pain but that's Vista for you. :(
  4. Nice shot. :D BTW what problem have you got running the sandbox? You installed it ok?
  5. Yes the sandbox is great fun. Next I will try going past where the demo ends. You just need to position yourself past the ship. ;) I will get some ingame screen shots too and post them later.
  6. Yes this looks good too I still play SOF2 online sometimes. :D
  7. No not had time to try the sandbox yet. :D Don't worry about the using the gun and driving thing. Some people have said it's a bug. :D But look at the difficulty options the harder the game setting the less aids you get. ;) Yes driving and shooting is like a driving aid set it on a harder setting and you have to move to the gunners seat. Crytek and thought of everything, want to have fun with driving and using the gun. Or more real drive only and have to change seat to use the gun it's up to you. :D Also on the harder settings you need to learn Korean if you want to understand what the enemy is saying. ;) But a bug I have found is on the beach the stick in the sand pops up where ever you walk but I think Crytek know about it and will fix it with a patch I bet. It reminds me of the litter bug you get in GTA3. But no way a game stopper you forget about it or may never notice unless someone tells you......oh too late :( :D
  8. Mb did you run the checking program see above? I've played the demo 4 times now and every time something different happens. I now like to alert the enemy and then run and hide and let them hunt you down then pick them off one at a time. A few tips for long shots set the firing mode to single burst for better accuracy. Go prone in cloak mode for longer invisible time. Make sure you tag all enemies so they show on the radar. Use the bar next to the radar on the left of the HUD to see if the enemy can see you. I had some fun in the boats chasing the enemy around the sea shooting them. The boat physics are the best in any game so far and the ocean floor is full of detail.
  9. Hi Iced run this programme and it will tell you: http://ww1.electronicarts.co.uk/ViewPopup.aspx?id=227 Or http://www.yougamers.com/gameometer/10213/ It will run mid-low on most older PC's but it still looks good. :D
  10. The demo is now available from most good game sites or google it or go here: http://www.incrysis.com/forums/viewtopic.php?pid=234474 All I can say is wow you have to download it now. Forget all you are doing and download it now. :D You need a good PC to run it mid - high but it's worth upgrading. Crytek have done a very good job with this game. The bar is raise yet again for all other FPS's.
  11. Ah so this is the card Sony had up their sleeve. They Knew all along what the world needed. :D Oh no now do I get a PS3 or 360 next year? :(
  12. As F1 is about racing (or should be, yes FIA I am talking about you) then the driver that has driven the best is Hamilton. McLaren did not have the fastest car on the track but Hamilton got the best out of the car. But Raikkonen did what he needed to do and got to grips with the new tyres and car later in the season and this was the turning point of the championship. But it's now set for another close season next year if the FIA will leave the teams to race. I say there are only two ways to go. Leave the teams alone to win on the track, the results are final if the car passed fit for racing before the race. Or give all the teams the same car. F1 dig a deeper hole every time it goes to court. The teams will get fed up and go to other types of racing if the races are only won in the courts.
  13. Don't worry when I have my PC up and running I am going to update the list of club members. We need to re-group I think and see where everyone is. I will not delete any members yet because I hope they will all be back if we get a car pack or TDU2, the race is on to see what we see first. :D
  14. Happy Birthday for yesterday sorry it's late. Glad you had a good night out. :D
  15. New videos are now available on gamespot. It's looking very good so far.
  16. Good luck & congrats. You will have a lot of fun together with 2 360's. ;)
  17. Thanks for the link +rep I see Gamespot have gone mad for it too. :D
  18. We will keep the thread open for now as we are trying to help CaRRaC. But any talk about piracy thread will be closed.
  19. I have been very busy and not been on MSN very often. Every time you have been offline so we must keep missing each other. :D I will be on MSN tomorrow evening for a bit.
  20. Bionic Commando for our younger crowed was one of the best Commodore 64 games and got me hooked on games. Just look at this: Now the new version is in the works: :excited: http://www.bioniccommando.com/ Days like this you see how far games have evolved over the years. :D
  21. Don't discuss this on the forum thanks. Thread closed.
  22. Speedracer gets my vote this week. All the pics look good, it's getting much harder to choose each week. :D
  23. That's good to hear did you have to pay for shipping costs?
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