I'm liking the Buggy's to be honest will make the game more interesting and add that something that TDU missed out ...
I would like to see the location a fictional place/island where maybe you can have those dirt roads, a few nice mountains, a nice big city, nice open roads and hell even mountains with snow could join the party .... so basically everything to cater for the masses, the 4x4 junkies will be happy with the mountains, the drifters would be happy with the nice twisty roads, the cruisers will be happy with some nice flowing roads ... now that would be sweet :).
If fuel becomes an issue that would be cool because thats one thing that grates on my nerves with TDU after driving 300 miles in one night with a supercar and not having to fuel is abit unrealistic ....
Lets hope E3 provides us with the first official info/pics so we can really get our teeth in to it and wait with excitement like a little kid waiting for Christmas day lol :D.