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Everything posted by eleKtro

  1. No voting for yourself! Woodruff http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm106/elliottwoodruff/spacesigcopy1.png RH12234 http://i453.photobucket.com/albums/qq257/RH12234/SpaceSignature.png MadMax Danger Mouse http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g226/metal_man_409e/sig.jpg KingSkyline http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r222/Drknss803/TDU-C-SOTW-2-v2final.jpg
  2. I don't have time to do one today, so I rushed this earlier :( I choose a crap theme.
  3. I dislike this Saab not the prettiest of cars, but I shall have a go. Nice entry Speed.
  4. Fail camouflage on the third cow from the left :D
  5. What is the point? The story is just lost now and ruined after saw 3. Thought the first one were good, but pointless now.
  6. Can I have a High resolution photo of the 'ladies' please.
  7. http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l184/MadMax2506/Games/crysissotw2copy.png
  8. http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l184/MadMax2506/Test%20Drive%20Unlimited/photo28.png
  9. Speedtouch is that an Arial Atom in the photo? I'm not the best with cars so wasn't sure.
  10. What are the chances of that theme! Really nice photo GTADog, quality of photo is great, looks really smooth.
  11. Was in college today, was looking through my Photobucket and was messy so I cleaned it up a bit and forgot about all the links I have posted :(
  12. Not really mate, it's got a car in it which isn't space like in my opinion? Trying to get off the theme of cars, since there's too much of it at the moment :)
  13. I agree with Shadow, what? "myself and the previous weeks winner will pick half each" You say this and then stop explaining lol. What happends after you pick half each?
  14. I don't dislike it as in hate it. I'm just not keen on the shape of the car, especially the rear body shell of the car.
  15. I've never seen a photo of that car in real life before, only on TDU. Looks really nice.
  16. It's changed for me now, before anyone donated, it said " Target for this month - 10000000 " :D
  17. As much as I dislike the car itself, doesn't sound half bad with a jap can on the back :p
  18. When I saw your photo, this instantly popped into my head. It's a character from a programme i watched as a child called Camberwick Green I think ;)
  19. Give it to me for free, I'll pay for delivery :) + Might want to change asking price ;) http://www.lambda-tek.com/componentshop/index.pl?origin=gbase11.2&prodID=B62319 http://www.microdirect.co.uk/ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=34929&source=googleps Some are a tiny bit more in price, but they're getting it brand new, I doubt someone will buy it for that much cheaper when they can get it new for not much more mate.
  20. I know that, but like you said. People will vote for the subject mostly, compared to the photo itself.
  21. Unlike some people who get to see nice cars everyday! I will have to use an old photo unless you want a photo of a Peugeot 306, Volkwagen Caddy or a Vauxhaul Vectra Estate :D
  22. Welcome to TDU-C Signature Of The Week #2 Congratulations to Speed for winning the first Signature of the Week! Theme: Space (Be it planets, moon buggy etc) Entries Deadline: October 17th Rules Signature Dimensions are not to be larger than shown or your signature will not be entered. Height - 175 pixels Width - 550 pixels * Suggested signature dimensions are * Height - 150/125/100 pixels Width - 450/400/350 pixels Only 1 entry per person. You may not enter more than 1 signature for each week. You may not post more than 1 signature asking other members which one is best, the whole point of a competition is for you to make a signature you think is good and too make other member think the same. The Signature must be made by you and not someone else, taking a screenshot of a game and making it smaller dimensions is not a signature in PhotoShop terms. You must edit the photo yourself in Photoshop, GIMP etc. I will be taking on an idea Andreaz suggested, you will have until Sunday - Friday to enter your signatures and then Friday night - Sunday night voting will start and finish, if this doesn't work, will go back to the old schedule. Good luck! Have Fun!
  23. What website are you on? Looks like Enemy Down a bit.
  24. You forgot to mention you have a G25, yet you can really miss it when looking at the photo :) What game are you playing? Looks aged?
  25. Photoshop Elements is useless, we have it in college and I can't stand it, very un-user friendly. I'm not that Keen on Cs3 either, CS2 is the best for me, I've tried a lot of the Photoshop versions and CS2 is the best in my opinion, GUI is good, easy to use, most tutorials on the net are directed for CS2.
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