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Everything posted by CarMadMike

  1. not too long till your 13th though is it 2 months, wait, that is long
  2. 14, nvm, lets get back on topic ICED FOR NUGGET
  3. Actually, we both have car in are usernames, are very young for people on this board, and both want to be car designers when older ;) And iced, damn you!! i thought to myself why didnt i quote, im too lazy
  4. Yes, i imagine this would be like all of monty burns' lawyers against lionel hutz But still, what grounds to BMW have to go on? the best thing they can do is point out where other have gotten out of it, but ebay still has the contract so there still in the wrong
  5. Thats the second nugget worthy thing ive done this week :( I wont point out the 1st one, even though some of you pointed it out as a nugget at the time Im starting to feel like iced Edit: Iced just called me carboy, thats got to take the award for this week PRAYS
  6. Id seriously go all the way, get an expensive "eterny" and sue the hell out of them
  7. so do i ^^^^ That challenger is to die for!
  8. Im sure max will appreciate that iced lol
  9. ROFL at the multicoloured flats second to bottom picture, looks like a very nice place to live. Right, all of these things can be seen from my bedroom window, not actually taken by me though! The old folks home A chateau Part of a Chateau Part of the high street Birds eye view of town The church, looks better from a distance Ask if you want to know more These following chateaus are a couple of mins away from me.
  10. Im not envious, I cant see one cloud in the sky down here in the south of france!!, blue sky and boiling hot sun :P The extremley strange thing is that it was hail stones yesterday :S
  11. I doubt it will Nodz, unless the top speed of all cars in tdu 2 drops under 192pmph! Didnt like the looks at first glance, but now it looks awesome!
  12. I dont think thats true out of people in this thread!
  13. Ill try and get some pics, not much, I think all what you can see is my pool and my garden, and then its just hills and grass for miles and miles behind. Id rather have a pool table also, just so happens i have one ;) and no not a flimsy 100 quid one, cost a good 2grand
  14. YAY :excited: Constant nagging works!
  15. That was good last night! The bunny boiler had some guts to go on that football pitch
  16. YAY, what was it on san andreas, The crazy talk show with the female republican??? that every other word was a curse, i have to say it was hilarious to listen to!
  17. is that a coincidence or what!!!! Bring on the bunny boiler!!!! WOOP WOOP
  18. ROFL at knock and dont run, i seen the rodeo one on the programme and some of the others WOOP WOOP WhoEver gets a nugget from now on should be burger bowled with chicken nuggets
  19. YAY, no more adverts!!! Theres no negative to this is there!
  20. Just thought ill help your campaign Shadow This is a brilliant gaming community, why limit the places where people can meet and play online ;) I also have a ps3 and would use this function
  21. That porsche isnt special IMO, There not at all rare where i lived in england! I love the colour of the esprit!!! The gallardo is drop dead gorgeous!
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