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Everything posted by CarMadMike

  1. GranTurismo *faints* :excited::excited::excited: :bananaskip::bananasplit::monkeydance:
  2. seeing one without a gun on would still be pretty unnerving!
  3. It just comes up with an empty page (the link) Or im just seeing things
  4. Is Matt lucas god, and did he predict the end of the earth when he wrote Star wars? The clone wars are getting very near, just attatch a gun to that and a few extra senses and goodbye
  5. It really annoys me the way they dont do this the first time around, instead we have to pay more, i mean, it sounds like something MS would do!
  6. I think this is a very bad idea!! Think about teams like super aguri, they have no chance!!!
  7. I think after such a brilliant first season, Everyone's eyes have been and will be on hamilton, i dont think he is a wonder kid, i think he has skill and no doubt about it one of the best drivers on the track. I just dont get why your criticising him, Kubica may have been doing well, and might of won, but no-one knows! as he made that mistake, a mistake which hamilton didnt make! Kimi may have been in the good car, no doubt about it he is a brilliant driver!, it may take him longer to get used to the changes also but he pushed it too far, he overshot corners! Alonso played safe, he was very close to going off the track on many occassions, but he knew his limits, thats why he scored points and kimi didnt! Kimi should of tried for points, not podium, after all, it is the first race of the season! I support button, davidson and coulthard now, i just think davidson doesnt have the chance lewis had in joining mclaren for his first season, button, i would love for him to do well, honda looked pretty good today, i think he is a brilliant driver and would do really well in a faster car. I have a feeling coulthard is nearing the end if his career soon, he did well today though, not too good last season what happened to ralph schu? i didnt realise he didnt get offered a contract!
  8. Can you put a chevy ssr up for sale for 1,100,000 try get some mileage, like 1.6miles, preferably blue, and then pm me when done, with the mileage and whether it is blue or not
  9. ROFL @ Hybrid Lets just say coulthard was not happy, and called massa an illegitamate :p and some other words that he is going to probably get disciplined for! I watched, I thought it was an interesting watch due to the fact that everyone was finding it quite difficult to control their cars @ Nige, Hamilton deserved to win as he didnt make any mistakes and was able to control his car, saying that it was luck that kimi didnt come first is absurd!, two big mistakes, hamilton drove well and IMO He deserved to win, the opposition didnt have good luck, and things would have obviously been differant is traction control was in place
  10. The main game for me was france against england, my pe teacher was giving me alot of stick over it, i returned it when we won! And just noticed, im 1/4 welsh and im sure my surname is welsh als
  11. really sorry!!!! I will get the money to you tomorrow! Are you sure you dont want a mclaren instead, alot faster.
  12. My sister is running the marathon, or has run, i dont know, its hard being in a differant country to her lol So ive donated 20 quid
  13. Ive been practicing the track on my ps3 F1 champ edition, ill post my time and see how i do, i imagine the game is going to be quite realistic with these type of things I hope hamiltion wins, and button does well also
  14. Ill change it to black for you I think the only enzo i have is over 2000miles, i wouldnt want to sell it, ill check, i might have another
  15. Happy birthday khevo :birthday::birthday:
  16. Ive learnt three things: 1) I want that BBQ 2) Sheds are cursed 3) I think they took the faking business too far
  17. Due to personal reasons im going to be off my xbox for a while, so im going to give all my money away, about 6-7million and most of my cars are going also Please post the car you want, and ill pm you with details. NB: The 250GTO and DB4 Zagato went to a friend, sorry Also, Diablo, you can still have the money if you want, like i said, i wont be needing it.
  18. The basic version looks a bit rubbish up close, doesnt look as bad as the pics though! In bright blue with all the decals on the rally version should make it look pretty decent, not as good as the evo IMO, but alot better then everyone is saying it is Remember the last model, that got a slaughtering when it was uncovered also, but it definatley grew on me! the one thing that im going to miss though is earth shaking exhaust!
  19. Happy birthday, one more year until Driving license!!!!!
  20. I really dont care, i dont play that much anyway, and ive got every car, so theres no need for me to have the money anyway, nevermind @ creme : fuel?
  21. I read in the newest edition of topgear mag about that merc I cant believe people would be so sad
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