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Everything posted by Nodz86

  1. The lovely Torie's (conservative Party aka David Cameron) want to ban electrical goods that use to much electric.
  2. Heres some I got this morning its a very busy day today.
  3. Nige have you bothered to register yet???
  4. New series is in autumn, I think Clarkson siad late October in his newspaper/TG column when everyone accused him off quitting when he weren't. Would be good to see Stig on london transport , He must have an Oyster Card or else he would have to talk and giveaway his Identity.
  5. Its both, Rugby started in France today and its England Vs Isreal Euro 2008 Qualifier in the football (5 O'clock kick off) and F1 quilifying for Monza I think.
  6. 9PM's good for me, I should be back from the pub after watching the football by then.
  7. Yeah I can see it, its got silver vents and its puling in to the "special coned section" they had that day.
  8. No probelms mate. If you want a code to play the Beta you have to go to the oficial site and sign up to be able to get a code for it.
  9. LOL that is brilliant shame they've ruined a 360 but it is a good piece of engineering, better than the TG ones anyway. I know in America there are 2 Vette limo's one black and one white. Edit: have you got a link to the site as I wouldn't mind reading more about it.
  10. I would normally but I'm a bit busy Monday so I wouldn't change the cruise just on my account. I can see what you mean about cruising for longer but the past few people have posted for around the weekend haven't had alot of interest.
  11. Fridays not a good day for alot of Xbox 360 players, thats why most of our cruises are oarranged for a Monday.
  12. Good find Diablo, shame I don't need one.
  13. Basically loads of people have had there XBL accounts banned after playing the CoD 4 Beta. Basically the reason is because instead of signing up to CoDs site and getting there own code they have been using a mates or someone eles and this violates XBL Terms and Conditions (a breach of copyright or something like that). Heres an article from Major Nelson who explains it better than me. But basically if you don't want you Xbox banned always get your own content and never try to use a used code.
  14. Does that include the WKD version?? lol, I think the old Tango ads where good (you've been tango'd) but they changed it from the block slapping people to kissing them as they thought it would start a Happy Slapping craze. The Alonso and hamilton one is good but it must have been filmed a while before all the trouble between them started. Also they where talking about a Gorrilla playing drums on an advert today on Jo whiley on Radio 1 and everyone was asking if it was Phil Collins and Jo said she would reveal who it was but I missed, did anyone listen and find out???
  15. Lol, so you where, my brain ain't in gear yet its a bit early
  16. I know but its still nice to welcome new members on the forum
  17. Lol, Ideas man, like it. Hopefully if I can get the time (as I now have a job) I can do an article for the next issue. I've just read through it, and it was a really good read. There seems to been alot of research put into the articles and they have all been well thought out, especially liked the background on Pherelas' article in the way that the picture sets the colour for the page. The only thing I would say is that some articles sound as if you are in the world of TDU reviewing the cars and others articles refer to them as in game cars, would be good if it was one or the other but apart from that very well done Rep will be spread (if it will let me) to those involved very well done. Now there is one question, Who is The S7ING???????? lol
  18. Abramovich is also building a new boat aswell as he did have the biggset private boat in the world but someone built a bigger one so now Abramovich is building a boat so he has the biggest one again.
  19. Haven't read it yet but I just had a quick flick through and it looks really really good, very well put together. I'll let you know once I've read it what I think of the reviews. Also thanks for the mention in the credits.
  20. Doubt it as I think he's only a Millionaire and you need to be a billionaire to bu, own and run an A380. Apparently Abramovich is only the second or third person to order one for private use.
  21. well the average cost to buy one at the moment is nearly $500,000,000.00 (yes thats five hundred million) and the waiting list is getting longer as there have been loads of delays. The normal version is a bit cheaper at $316,000,000.00 but that was over a year ago.
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