It may be stupid and rubbish for you but not to them thats why they have requested it, if you don't like it thats your own problem your don't have to read or post in there request thread.
Posting a request in a thread someones mod thread is a no no, but then should be dealt with maturely and not start calling them noobs, etc and explain to them they need to make there own thread or search to see if it had already been requested.
As to postings things that are wrong in a WIP thread it depends if its constructive or not and again you need to take a mature attitude and explain to them that its a WIP and not finished as these issues will be addressed.
Going round saying you want them banned, calling them noobs and saying the fail, etc will make this an unwelcoming place for new members which I doubt anyone will want, as I said above with mature responses that informs them of there wrong doings most will learn if they don't then its up to the mods and admin to explain it them. As I said name calling and banning is not the way to go.