Wouldn't get an AU Shadow - they can be notoriously unpredictable as my cousin has discovered.
Aussie cars are generally a large amount cheaper here then anything else. While they may lose value quickly, they will last above and beyond 400,000 Km if treated right. Both can go on gas, however its not recommended with the performance models. Getting a manual can be tricky, however not impossible - especially in the XR6/XR8 Falcon and SV6/SV8/SS Commodores of a few models back. Personally, for that money I would either go a BA XR6 Falcon (performance with slightly better fuel economy) or if possible a VY SS Commodore (much higher performance, slightly worse fuel economy). Both are guaranteed to last some time :) (I'm a holden man myself as most of you would know, and I haven't had any problems with my car). Wouldn't buy a volvo, as they get destroyed by the bad roads over here (my nan's 10 year old volvo is in dire condition), and they are extremely annoying/expensive to get repaired.
SV8: http://carsales.mobi/cars/details/?R=6461920