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Everything posted by Speed

  1. 1 year, 2 month bump! Haha, maybe I should start locking all potw entry threads that the vote has been completed for ;)
  2. http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll237/SpeedFreakLightning/SLR.jpg No, I don't know why 2 silver SLRs appear to have a pink tinge :rolleyes:
  3. Repeated thread. :locked:
  4. Like the last F40 pic, the sun looks good there :)
  5. Really rushed this in half an hour before work, will redo the paint job later I think ;) http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll237/SpeedFreakLightning/2r6jv9j1copy.jpg
  6. I really like it, would go well with a dark GTA video or something similar, I probably only think that because it sounds a bit like the intro song on GTA4 though :) Oh and btw, maybe you should translate the read me into English, because of the majority of English speaking users here, and the fact that I speak some German and I couldn't even figure out what it was meant to say :rolleyes: But that's probably just because I'm rubbish at it :p
  7. Have you tried port forwarding at all? Theres a guide for it here :)
  8. You'll need to create a custom radio station :) In your "My Documents\Test Drive Unlimited\savegame\username\Radio" folder, create a folder with the name of the radio station. Just copy and paste your mp3s into this folder and you should be sorted :) Now you just need to go in game, and use the numpad to scroll through the radio stations til you find your own :D
  9. Nice pic, not too sure about that orange though! :p
  10. Your pic is fine, don't worry about it ;)
  11. Congrats to uVx2k for winning with his first post! :D This week your vehicle must be a Mercedes. Entrants: 1. T3hReaper 2. Baltoman 3. EyeKatcher 4. ShadowGT 5. gunned_down666 6. zo6dude 7. InVo 8. BobbyV 9. Ringo_60013 10. GalyPoland 11. Mb 12. HappyTreeFriend 13. porshedesign 14. E30 FTW!!! 15. big-t1991 16. Grin116 17. FoxFrederik 18. beem3r 19. DoMw94 20. Jensen 21. Cardboard Duck 22. Sir. AlphaWhiskey 23. andrew1320 24. kekc0ed 25. Bishop-|PL|-25 26. WALRUS 27. andy_carlos 28. kaptenb77 29. Flying_Eagle 30. Fridge Magnet Rabbit 31. turbo lag 32. Koenigsegg 33. Safiro 34. Kupa 35. Speed 36. tool831 37. Ruhisu_22_pl 38. M'exX 39. Sunny 40. Thrill Yeti 41. MSK9149 42. M a r c o P o l o 43. dmns 44. DanG323i Rules: 1. No Noticable Photoshopping (Apart from Borders, Brightness/ Contrast, Your Name/Logo) 2. No voting for yourself come poll day! 3. The pictures must be taken by you!! 4. If you do not like this theme or the new rules, then let me know without all screaming at me. 5. No entering of photos that have previously won PotW. 6. Choose your own entry, don't ask people to do it for you. 7. If you wish to change your entry, please just edit your original post and replace the old pic with your new one. 7. Please upload your photo in 800x640 or smaller and with a filesize less than 350kb! If not, it will not be entered!!! 8. Theme: Mercedes. Closing Date: Sunday 26th April
  12. Surprised this mix works, but it does :) Britney Spears vs Linkin Park - Faint/ Toxic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6B57mTqGL8
  13. http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll237/SpeedFreakLightning/Evo1.jpg http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll237/SpeedFreakLightning/Evo2.jpg http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll237/SpeedFreakLightning/Evo3.jpg http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll237/SpeedFreakLightning/Evo4.jpg http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll237/SpeedFreakLightning/Evo5.jpg http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll237/SpeedFreakLightning/Evo6.jpg
  14. Filefront is closed, there's a thread somewhere... http://forum.tdu-central.com/showthread.php?t=9563
  15. No, it's this folder :) C:\Documents and Settings\User\My Documents\Test Drive Unlimited
  16. Not heard of this problem but maybe if you make a back up of your save game onto an external device and then reinstall TDU, everything will work out fine :)
  17. Thanks, that's completely corrert, +rep.
  18. No, it shouldn't. Just because the opinions differ to your own does not mean it should be closed. A thread petitioning the closure of another is not the right way about closing it though. If you have a comment to make in that thread, make it there, a new thread is not needed. If you don't wish to do this, report it, we'll deal with any complaints you have as we see fit. :locked:
  19. Yes, that is what it means. It's fortunate they fixed it really, because it used to reset to zero everytime you lost one, even if you'd won 25 in a row already. Now it is patched though, so it takes the highest number you've one in a row and remembers it, rather than resetting you to 0% after you've finally reached 100% ;)
  20. Exactly what I thought, maybe upload the original version, in full colour, so we can compare :)
  21. Wow, this looks amazing, just seen the video on youtube and thought I'd check if there was a post to match, great idea :D
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