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Everything posted by Speed

  1. No the video shouldn't be banned. He puts forward his views pretty clearly, ok so he holds no prisoners, but there's nothing wrong with that. There are videos supporting many things on Youtube and the internet in general, it just seems that whenever it's about religion everyone becomes so touchy, which seems unnecessary as it should be open to debate as with everything else people discuss.
  2. Haha, genius idea from BMW :p
  3. New Malibu pic :) -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) --
  4. Damn, that's a shame, oh well, here's another photo :) -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) --
  5. A few quick pics :) Will get more later ;) -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) --
  6. Quick question, have they allowed more garage space with this update? Was annoying when I downloaded SC and had to sell some cars to buy the new ones. Don't really want to sell any more to get these :(
  7. Definately deserve some +rep for that :D Nice one!
  8. :welcome: flcsoldier4life, be sure to check out the TDU2 News Subsection for the most recent news regarding TDU2!
  9. I did the 5000 miles about 2 weeks ago I think, and that was my last one to do, so not sure how long it took as I only noticed the R8 yesterday, weird it takes various amounts of time for different people.
  10. We used to have our own server, but it ran out and we didn't renew it...
  11. Wow, I actually think you've done a really good job, Looks pretty good :)
  12. Got this today, so took these photos and figured out how to get account linking to work again... -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- Hope you like them :)
  13. It's an RX7 with a widebody kit and custom vinyls made by me, looks ok in my opinion :D
  14. I'd say I prefer the first one. Quite like the contrast it gives, and not really a fan of any photos in B&W. P.S. Great photo :D
  15. Ah, I misunderstood, thought you meant big as in image size, but you mean lots of photos, even better! :D
  16. I believe the rules say something along the lines of it being ok if it relates to the forum matter, and as this a photography subsection of the forum, it should be fine in my opinion. EDIT: Actually that's about putting it in your sig, so feel free to do that, you need permission to put it in a post, which I'm not sure I can give, so wait for an admin to say something :)
  17. It's your topic, post as many pics as you want :p Also, maybe you should put a link up to your website? ;)
  18. Great photos Mb, will look forward to some bigger photos later :)
  19. Great driving, and the music throughout the video really suites it well :)
  20. :birthday: :D Have a good one!
  21. For some reason account linking has broken and I can't get my new photos across, so here's some old ones :) -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) --
  22. You can send me a higher quality image for the banner if you like, but I'd prefer to keep your current entry for the vote, as that is the image that people have been voting for, and it would be unfair to the other entrants if you were allowed to change yours half way through the voting period :)
  23. 26. ShadowGT -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- 27. aleksin -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- 28. Cuban_Legend -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- 29. Safiro http://i396.photobucket.com/albums/pp49/SafiroTDU/TDU/39test.jpg 30. Flying_Eagle 31. ɹǝʌouǝllɐɟǝʌı http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/ii239/Spitfire_RT/TDU/200904051808202.jpg 32. Ryzza5 33. uVx2k 34. Speed -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) --
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