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Everything posted by Speed

  1. The following posts are the car lists for PC days 1 and 2. Yes they did take a long time to make. Red means you can no longer choose that car. Green is so we can see how many players have told us their cars, and also so you can locate yourself and make sure I put you in the right place.
  2. I think this has been posted before somewhere, however I can't find where yet, it was a long time ago, I'm sure Diablo will know though.
  3. That was me :D Random Photo: -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) --
  4. Lol did I? Wow my memory must be so poor because I don't remember writing the stage number twice or anything, hmmmm.
  5. I only did it once! When I changed them that was when I put the stages in! And it's not like anyone else is here yet! :D
  6. Day 1: Mercedes SLR Mclaren (Stage 3) Day 2: Ferrari 575M Maranello (Stage 3) First choice ftw!
  7. Nice :D Blatant copying of the triangle shaped icon corners though! ;)
  8. Use the font you use in all your pics you take in TDU (Mega) for "special" then it'd be even more invloved in TDUC :) Oh and I voted for 1 and 4 :)
  9. Jet - Are You Gonna Be My Girl? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYbZNamJQ5g
  10. Yay! I'm still within the 30 so thought I'd say yes it is better, get's more people to participate I think :D
  11. Secret in game damage, a dump and a 2D deer? Er Yeah sure there was... :rolleyes:
  12. Er Yeah, You said you know it doesn't count, and I said I thought it did...
  13. Well normally the boot does count doesn't it? So it would have 3? Just some memory here, might be wrong?
  14. I do like them, but now noone will believe me :( Well I can prove it! I entered one in PotW: Week 7 so Ha! But yeah, in this week it would be dumb, I don't see how someone drifting is going to persuade us that they're parked? ;) Well you never know...
  15. I've edited it just for you ;)
  16. Parked in a car park... Can you not read?
  17. The 10th week, Wow :D Congrats to TSS for last weeks win! His 2nd win, so well done even more for that :) He has chosen this weeks theme to be a Pagani Zonda C12 S stopped in a Car park sort of Environment and no drifting pics! TSS doesn't like them... Yeah I know what you're thinking, not exactly pushing the boat out so to speak, but good luck anyway ;) Should be interesting to see what you can come up with... Entrants: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Closing Date: 27th January Btw, my normal rules apply, 800x600 maximum size, unnoticable photoshopping is fine, but if someone picks up on it, and I agree, then sorry but you must withdraw the photo in question :)
  18. Wow these are amazing, MadMax is right, you should make a tutorial, that'd be cool ;) Looking forward to this thread continuing :D
  19. I've known about this thread for ages, yet somehow I havn't actually said I'll come, don't know why though, so here it is, I'd like to attend :) I have the PM though, which is magic I guess, or intuitive, I think that's a better word Lol. Anyway yes, I'll reply to it next Tuesday if I remember, so that I know when I'm working in that week :)
  20. Whoa, I'm sorry Ok! Was just a light hearted joke, didn't mean to offend you or anything. And anway, scroll back, Sensei called you a moron long before I did, and you didn't get onto him about it. Also I was just trying to help on the spelling thing, you've corrected more than a few people yourself, no reason to get stressed at me for it. And I know you will obviously be at all the Gumballs, that's what I said, I was trying to say that you're always there so you can get as many points as possible, it wasn't some weird insult or anything.
  21. Basically Iced is the only one who knows the route really, so points just make him feel better for winning and as he is one of the only few people who can make all of them (obviously as he's organising it this is unavoidable) he tends to win and get another little cup that he adds to his signature whereas noone else really cares Lol ;) Oh and btw, new map looks good, should be a laugh :) And nice cover up with "February Gumball" :D but you spelt it wrong ;)
  22. Easter day is on the 23rd of March, and I said it was in our holiday between the 21st and the 6th of April, i.e I'm right so shut up Lol.
  23. Yes of course it is, moron. Why would it be called Easter half term when it's not Easter for over a month after it? This half term is one week from the 9th of Feb to the 17th, and no it is not Easter during this time, so if this truly is the Easter Gumaball then not really, it would have to be "Valentines Gumball" or something dumb like that. EASTER half term lasts 2 weeks and is from the 21st of March to the 6th of April, hence WHEN EASTER IS!!! :rolleyes: P.S. Yes I did research instead of just guessing like an idiot before. Oh and to go with the trend from another thread, OWNED!
  24. Go to your UserCP on the banner at the top, then to the "Edit Signature" bit down the side menu that comes up, and this sort of screen should come up. -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- Then just click the picture like I have so the box appears around it and press the delete key. Finally scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Save Signature" and voila :) P.S. Sorry for stretching the page, but not bothering to crop because the whole screen is needed to demonstrate this imho ;)
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