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Everything posted by Speed

  1. Welcome Primary :) P.S. Your sig is better than your brothers! ;)
  2. Lol I bet they like it more than pink though ;) The fluorescent green is my favourite so far, apart from the pink of course! Has anyone else noticed that this whole page is off topic? :D
  3. TDU Multi Platform Speed Cruise Yes, I am here to announce the first multi platform TDU Cental Cruise. This will take place tomorrow (02/09/07) at 8pm BST. It will be open to anyone and everyone who is a part of the club on any platform or who is looking to join the club in the near future. We will start at the car park opposite the Pagani/ Italian Independant dealership, known to most PC players as Meeting Place A. From there, the leader will choose a place, everyone will put it in there GPS if they want to, then lock back together. The overall theme will we to race to the lighthouse clockwise around the island. Once there, other places will be decided upon. Here is where the fun begins, the idea is to race to the place selected as fast as possible, no road rules, no stopping to regroup, just try to be the first there. When I say this I am not advising that you knock each other off the road, but do as you please ;) Once you get to the first place, wait for the rest of the group, then the leader will choose a new place, everyone will GPS it and off we go again. The idea of this cruise is to enjoy driving in TDU but also to appreciate the speed and fun that can be achieved in the game. Group Leaders - PC - S71NG3R XBOX 360 - *still available* (post below if you would like the place, someone who knows the roads would be good, Diablo? baldred?) We may need to include 2 groups on each platform but this depends entirely on demand, and we will not decide on this until we see how many people are interested, so post below or contact me in some way if you would like to take part. PC Players Group 1 - 1. S71NG3R 2. SpeedFreakLightning 3. Iced_Bullet 4. Mb 5. TheScottishSpotter 6. 7. 8. 360 Players Group 1 - 1. Telos 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Any questions or problems, please list below. Thanks, Speed.
  4. Warning: This post is severely off any known topic ever mentioned, beware Lol. Lol. That's all I can say, I wondered how long it would take you to ask about :D I think pink suites you! We love you Diablo! You're not a boring admin!
  5. Shhhh.... I knew that was there, I just prefer to look through each board seperately so I can look at the threads I enjoy and reply to them first. Then again, I'm not going to use the proposed "General Driving Games" section too much so I guess that doesn't make a difference. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm................ :D
  6. People thought they had peace and quiet...they thought wrong: Leave the copy machine set to reduce 200%, extra dark, 17 inch paper, 99 copies. Specify that your drive through order is "to go." If you have a glass eye, tap on it occasionally with your pen while talking to others. Stomp on little plastic ketchup packets. Insist on keeping your car windshield wipers running in all weather conditions "to keep them tuned up." Reply to everything someone says with "that's what YOU think." Practice making fax and modem noises. Highlight irrelevant information on scientific papers and "cc" them to your boss. Make beeping noises when a large person backs up. Finish all your sentences with the words "in accordance with prophecy." Signal that a conversation is over by clamping your hands over your ears. Disassemble your pen and "accidently" flip the ink cartridge across the room. Holler random numbers while someone is counting. Adjust the tint on your TV so all the people are green, and insist to others that you "like it that way." Staple papers in the middle of the page. Publicly investigate just how slowly you can make a "croaking" noise. Honk and wave to strangers. Decline to be seated at a restaurant and simply eat their complimentary mints by the cash register. Buy a large quantity of orange traffic cones and re- route whole streets. Repeat the following conversation a dozen times: "Do you hear that?" "What?" "Never mind, it's gone now." Try playing the William Tell Overture by tapping on the bottom of your chin. When nearly done, announce, "No wait, I messed it up" and repeat. As much as possible, skip rather than walk. Ask people what gender they are. While making a presentation, occasionally bob your head like a parakeet. Sit in your front yard pointing a hair dryer at passing cars and see if they slow down. Sing along at the opera. Go to a poetry recital and ask why each poem doesn't rhyme. Ask your co-workers mysterious questions and then scribble their answers in a notebook. Mutter something about "psychological profiles."
  7. Ah! No new boards please! There's already 23 boards with 10 sub boards (I counted :p) and it takes ages to find all the new posts already, I can't handle anymore! Lol. What's wrong with General Gaming, that's what it's here for. I know people who play TDU will probably be interested in other driving games, but then I'm sure there is also alot of people interested in say First Person Shooters and once they see a driving section, they'll want one do, and then the RPG players will start complaining etc etc etc... I doubt anyone agrees with me but that's just my thoughts ;)
  8. Very nice car, and nice video too :D I've been looking to use Shut Up and Drive - Rihanna in a video for ages, Congratulations on putting it with a really good video :) + Rep. How can you drive so long without crashing? I want one of those cars now!
  9. That's Us! :D Lol. ----------------------------------- I agree with everything you've said and I also think that if you say to someone "Have you got a club?" and they respond with "No" then you don't respond for a few seconds, they're going to say "Why?" and this leads to you saying, "I have a good one, check out tdu-central.com" and there we go, a bit of pychological stuff for you ;) that I just randomly thought up Lol. P.S. 400th Post! :D
  10. Lol thanks for this random explanation but I did indeed notice which is why I put the red "Edit" message is in my post 4 minutes after I originally posted it saying that I noticed... I can read :D Lol. P.S. 399 Posts Lol.
  11. 1.How old are you? 16 – 18. 2.Are you Male or Female? Male/ 3.How often in one month would you say you visit your local pub/club/bar? Less than 10 times a month 4.Since the ban do you visit your local pub/club/bar less or more? Neither, it makes no difference to me. 5.Simply do you agree with the smoking ban? Yes 6.Would you say that the ban has improved the atmosphere of your local pub/club/bar pub quality-wise (Do you enjoy the smoke free environment?) Yes 7.Would you say that the ban has improved the atmosphere of your local pub/club/bar pub company-wise? (Do your friends complain?) No 8.Would you say that you have started spending more on alcohol/food since the ban? No 9.Do you still visit the same pub/club/bar you use to before the ban? Yes 10.Have you given up smoking since the ban? No, I didn't smoke to start with. 11.Do you know anyone that has? No ------------------------------ I don't smoke and I never plan to start. I agree with the ban and to be quite honest I think it should be banned overall too. Why people are allwed to diminish their lives, why people want to I just can't understand. "Oh it's the nicotine, it's addictive" - For God sake get a grip on your life, and anyway, it's your own fault for starting in the first place. My dad smokes and he has done so around me but that doesn't mean I'm going to start anytime soon, I hate the smell, how can you be "addicted" to something so disgusting? And don't try and guilt trip me in some way because it won't work, if you have chosen, or if you choose to smoke and get addicted then it's YOUR fault. Peer pressure etc is only to get you started, it takes a strong person to stop, it takes a stronger person not to start. Please post your comments on this below, I know there are large holes in my arguement and I look forward to you exploiting them, and on a side note, anyone who can show a good arguement for or against, in my opinion, will be +Rep'd by me.
  12. Just thought I'd note that like Iced's jpeg you've missed the "i" from unlimited. Was this on purpose as some sort of wierd tribute or is it just a coincidental typo? :welcome: to our new home TDU Central Club :) Edit: Just read Diablos post, it is a weird tribute! Lol.
  13. I agree with David. Everything is good how it is. I really don't see any need to change it. I mean why are we? It just makes it more cluttered for finding out what's going on, surely 748 posts in this thread shows that we're doing great as we are?
  14. I'd quite like this rephrased please ;) and stop saying it's your idea! All you did was create a pic! A very nice pic I might add, which I would +Rep you for but I can't :( :) *Envious* -------------------------------- Next weeks special events will be for club members only, daily cruises with be open to all. This will obviously reduce the ammount of idiots on the roads I guess, not trying to imply anyone trying to enter the club is an idiot, I'm talking about the people we meet on the way who then tag along and don't understand road rules. Then again, if the daily cruises are still open to everyone then this doesn't really solve anything. For Mafia for example, we need non club "random" players to chase, and for Factory noone ever turns up anyway so the more the better really. Surely that's true for all our events? I'm confused :(
  15. *sobs* It was my idea! Just because I had to go to work it's been stolen from me. :( And yes Iced that is exactly what I meant, and I love the jpeg, very nice job :) (I would +Rep you but I need to spread some Rep again Lol)
  16. The authentification key is the key you enter on first start up/ installation which allows you to run TDU. It is designed so people cannot copy the software illegaly, as each player needs their own personal key, which cannot be reproduced when it is pirated. Do you use a pirate copy? Or have you copied your game and given it to someone else? Unless you just entered it wrong then I think this is the only way that would happen. This is all just guesswork by the way, as this has never happened to me so good luck with your problem, knowing TDU a few restarts usually works :D
  17. L0L, |-|1 73$7Dr1\/3r23, 4|\|D \/\/3L(0/\/\3 70 7|-|3 Ph0rU/\/\$, 1 |-|0P3 j00Z 3|\|j0'/ 7|-|3 (0/\/\/\/\U|\|17'/. P.5. b3@ 7|-|47! (1Ph j00Z |-|4\/3 3\/3|\| b33|\| 4BL3 70 r34D 7|-|1$ Ph4r ;)) 90D 1 0\/\/|\|, 4|\|D 1Ph j00Z R $71LL /\/\4|\|491|\|9 70 r34D 7|-|1$ 7|-|3|\| j00Z d0 70. :D
  18. Will Smith is great in every film so I expect this to be very good. I hadn't heard about it til now tho so +Rep to you :)
  19. So we will still be doing daily cruises but with other people as well as club members? Is that why we're using the Meetings thread? Or is it just to keep this thread for special events like Mafia, Factory etc only? There's nothing wrong with how we do things now you know :)
  20. Lol Cya Hybrid, I +Rep'd you because this post made me smile :) Have a good holiday :)
  21. So soon we're going to have one thread for all the TDU Central PC and 360 players? Isn't that going to get a bit complicated, as our thread is already quite active but with double the ammount of people it will be incredibly busy. Maybe a thread for each, next to each other in some sort of "TDU Central Club" board on the forum, where noone else can post new threads, so that the space around it doesn't get cluttered. Just an idea :)
  22. Felt like adding to the fact that people think I'm a chav, so i tried Winamp for myself... 445 tracks in playlist, average track length: 4:04 Playlist length: 30 hours 10 minutes 39 seconds Right-click here to save this HTML file.Playlist files: 1. 2 Pac Feat. Snoop Dogg - Wanted Dead Or Alive (4:33) 2. 50 Cent - Ski Mask Way (Remix) (3:04) 3. 50 Cent - Shake That (Remix) (2:59) 4. 50 Cent - Intro (0:06) 5. 50 Cent - What Up Gangsta (2:59) 6. 50 Cent - Many Men (Wish Death) (4:16) 7. 50 Cent - In Da Club (3:13) 8. 50 Cent - High All The Time (4:29) 9. 50 Cent - Heat (4:14) 10. 50 Cent - If I Can't (3:16) 11. 50 Cent - Back Down (4:03) 12. 50 Cent - P.I.M.P. (4:09) 13. 50 Cent - Poor Lil Rich (3:19) 14. 50 Cent - Gotta Make It To Heaven (4:00) 15. 50 Cent - Wanksta (Bonus Cut) (3:39) 16. 50 Cent - U Not Like Me (Bonus Cut) (4:15) 17. 50 Cent - Life's On The Line (Bonus Cut (3:38) 18. 50 Cent - Intro (0:41) 19. 50 Cent - In My Hood (3:51) 20. 50 Cent - This Is 50 (3:04) 21. 50 Cent - Im Supposed To Die Tonight (3:51) 22. 50 Cent - Piggy Bank (4:15) 23. 50 Cent - Outta Control (3:21) 24. 50 Cent - Get In The Car (4:06) 25. 50 Cent - Ski Mask Way (3:05) 26. 50 Cent - A Baltimore Love Thing (4:17) 27. 50 Cent - Ryder Music (3:51) 28. 50 Cent - Disco Inferno (3:34) 29. 50 Cent - Just A Lil Bit (3:57) 30. 50 Cent - Gunz Come Out (4:24) 31. 50 Cent - Position Of Power (3:12) 32. 50 Cent - God Gave Me Style (3:01) 33. 50 Cent - I Dont Need Em (3:20) 34. 50 Cent Feat The Game, Tony Yayo, Young Buck, Lloyd Banks - Hate It Or Love It (Remix) (4:23) 35. 50 Cent Feat. Co-Stars & Diamonique - Disco Inferno (D07 Remix) (3:05) 36. 50 Cent Feat. Eminem - Patiently Waiting (4:48) 37. 50 Cent Feat. Eminem - Gatman And Robbin (3:46) 38. 50 Cent Feat. Jamie Foxx - Build You Up (2:55) 39. 50 Cent Feat. Lloyd banks - Don't Push Me (4:08) 40. 50 Cent Feat. Nate Dogg - 21 Questions (3:44) 41. 50 Cent Feat. Olivia - Candy Shop (3:29) 42. 50 Cent Feat. Olivia - So Amazing (3:16) 43. 50 Cent Feat. Olivia - Candy Shop (3:28) 44. 50 Cent Feat. Tony Yay - Like My Style (3:13) 45. 50 Cent Feat. Tony Yayo - My Toy Soldier (3:44) 46. 50 Cent Feat. Young Buck - Blood Hound (4:00) 47. 50 Cent/D12/Eminem - Never Enough (2:39) 48. 50 Cent/Dr. Dre/Eminem - Encore (5:48) 49. 50 Cent/Eminem/Obie Trice/Stat Quo - Spend Some Time (5:10) 50. 50 Cent/The Game - Westside Story (3:43) 51. 50 Cent/The Game - Hate It or Love It (3:26) 52. 50 Cent/The Game - How We Do (3:55) 53. A Tribe Called Quest - Bonita Applebum (3:04) 54. Akon - Shake Down (3:52) 55. Akon - The Rain (3:27) 56. Akon - Never Took The Time (3:57) 57. Akon - Mama Africa (4:26) 58. Akon - I Can't Wait (3:46) 59. Akon - Gangsta Bop (4:06) 60. Akon - Tired Of Runnin' (4:33) 61. Akon - Once In A While (3:57) 62. Akon - Don't Matter (4:52) 63. Akon - Gringo (4:32) 64. Akon Feat. Eminem - Smack That (2nd Nature Remix) (5:22) 65. Akon Feat. Eminem - Smack That (D07 Remix) (4:14) 66. Akon Feat. Eminem - Smack That (3:32) 67. Akon Feat. Snoop - I Wanna Love You (4:08) 68. Akon Feat. Snoop Dogg - I Wanna **** You (4:07) 69. Akon Feat. Stat Quo & Bobby Creekwater - Smack That (Remix) (5:11) 70. Akon Feat. Styles P - Blown Away (3:29) 71. Alicia Keys - You Don't Know My Name (4:26) 72. All-4-One - I Swear (4:18) 73. Amerie - Take Control (3:41) 74. Amy Winehouse Feat. Ghostface K - You Know Im No Good (3:37) 75. Avant Feat. Nicole Scherzinger - Lie About Us (4:10) 76. Beatbox Giant Productions, LLC - Ask A Ninja, Question 49, Ninja Lifespan (4:27) 77. Beyonce And Shakira - Beautiful Liar (3:21) 78. Big Brovaz - Big Bro Thang (4:13) 79. Bizarre & Kuniva - Murder (2:10) 80. Bobby Creekwater - There He Is (4:25) 81. Busta Rhymes/The Game - Like Father, Like Son (5:27) 82. Ca$his - Everything Is Shady (4:29) 83. Ca$his - Talkin' All That (4:05) 84. Cassie - Long Way To Go (3:41) 85. Cassie Feat. Ray J - Me & U Remix (4:18) 86. Cham - Ghetto Story (4:44) 87. Chamillionaire - The Sound of Revenge (3:19) 88. Chamillionaire - In The Trunk (4:38) 89. Chamillionaire - Turn It Up (4:34) 90. Chamillionaire - Ridin (5:03) 91. Chamillionaire - No Snitchin (4:32) 92. Chamillionaire - Southen Take Over (5:17) 93. Chamillionaire - Radio Interruption (3:27) 94. Chamillionaire - Frontin (4:10) 95. Chamillionaire - Grown And Sexy (4:02) 96. Chamillionaire - Think Im Crazy (5:03) 97. Chamillionaire - Rain (5:11) 98. Chamillionaire - Peepin' Me (4:48) 99. Chamillionaire - Fly As The Sky (4:58) 100. Chamillionaire - Peepin Me (4:21) 101. Chamillionaire - Void In My Life (4:40) 102. Chamillionaire - Outro (3:07) 103. Chamillionaire - Grind Time (3:24) 104. Chamillionaire Feat. Krazie Bone - Ridin (3:47) 105. Chamillionaire Feat. Slick Rick - Hip-Hop Police (4:15) 106. Chris Brown - Run It (3:51) 107. Christina Aguilera - Hurt (4:00) 108. Ciara - Like A Boy (3:56) 109. Collie Buddz - Come Around (3:38) 110. D12 - My Band (5:33) 111. D12 - Fight Music (4:23) 112. D12 - My Band (4:59) 113. D12/Eminem - One Shot 2 Shot (4:26) 114. DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince - Summertime (4:27) 115. Dr Dre And Ice Cube - Natural Born Killaz (4:47) 116. Eamon - F**k It (I Don't Want You Back) (3:31) 117. Eminem - Cleanin Out My Closet (4:58) 118. Eminem - Like Toy Soldiers (5:06) 119. Eminem - Lose Yourself (5:23) 120. Eminem - My Name Is (4:07) 121. Eminem - Sing For The Moment (5:27) 122. Eminem - When I'm Gone (4:38) 123. Eminem - Without Me (4:56) 124. Eminem - Shady Narcotics(Intro) (0:56) 125. Eminem - We're Back (3:59) 126. Eminem - Public Enemy (1:54) 127. Eminem - No Apologies (4:28) 128. Eminem - Curtains Up (0:46) 129. Eminem - Evil Deeds (4:19) 130. Eminem - Yellow Brick Road (5:45) 131. Eminem - Like Toy Soldiers (4:56) 132. Eminem - Mosh (5:17) 133. Eminem - Puke (4:07) 134. Eminem - My 1st Single (5:02) 135. Eminem - Paul (Skit) (0:31) 136. Eminem - Rain Man (5:13) 137. Eminem - Big Weenie (4:26) 138. Eminem - Em Calls Paul (Skit) (1:11) 139. Eminem - Just Lose It (4:08) 140. Eminem - Ass Like That (4:25) 141. Eminem - Mockingbird (4:10) 142. Eminem - Crazy in Love (4:02) 143. Eminem - Final Thought (Skit) (0:30) 144. Eminem - Lose Yourself (Abstrakt Remix) (6:17) 145. Eminem Feat. 50 Cent - The Re-Up (2:57) 146. Eminem Feat. 50 Cent - Jimmy Crack Corn (3:54) 147. Eminem Feat. 50 Cent, Lloyd Banks & Ca$his - You Don't Know (4:17) 148. Eminem Feat. Dido - Stan (6:42) 149. Eminem Feat. Dr Dre - Guilty Concience (3:20) 150. Eminem Feat. Dr. Dre - Guilty Conscience (3:32) 151. Eminem Feat. Dr. Dre, Xzibit, Phish - Whats The Difference (4:04) 152. Eminem Feat. Dr. Dre, Xzibit, Phish - Whats The Difference (4:04) 153. Eminem Feat. Xzibit - Say My Name (4:28) 154. Eminem Feat. Xzibit - Don't Approach Me (4:30) 155. Eminem vs Michael Jackson - Without Billie Jean (11:21) 156. Eminem/The Game - We Ain't (4:46) 157. Evanescence - Bring Me To Life (3:57) 158. Faith Evans/The Game - Don't Need Your Love (4:26) 159. Fergie Feat. Ludacris - Glamorous (4:07) 160. Foo Fighters - Doll (1:24) 161. Foo Fighters - Monkey Wrench (3:51) 162. Foo Fighters - Hey, Johnny Park! (4:08) 163. Foo Fighters - My Poor Brain (3:33) 164. Foo Fighters - Wind Up (2:31) 165. Foo Fighters - Up In Arms (2:15) 166. Foo Fighters - My Hero (4:19) 167. Foo Fighters - See You (2:26) 168. Foo Fighters - Enough Space (2:37) 169. Foo Fighters - February Stars (4:49) 170. Foo Fighters - Everlong (4:10) 171. Foo Fighters - Walking After You (5:04) 172. Foo Fighters - New Way Home (5:44) 173. Foo Fighters - Requiem (3:33) 174. Foo Fighters - Drive Me Wild (3:14) 175. Foo Fighters - Down In The Park (4:08) 176. Foo Fighters - Baker Street (5:37) 177. Foo Fighters - Dear Lover (4:32) 178. Foo Fighters - The Colour And The Shape (3:23) 179. Foo Fighters - Best Of You (4:15) 180. Foo Fighters - No Way Back (8:03) 181. Foo Fighters - In Your Honor (3:49) 182. Foo Fighters - No Way Back (3:16) 183. Foo Fighters - DOA (4:12) 184. Foo Fighters - Hell (1:57) 185. Foo Fighters - The Last Song (3:19) 186. Foo Fighters - Free Me (4:38) 187. Foo Fighters - Resolve (4:48) 188. Foo Fighters - The Deepest Blues Are Black (3:58) 189. Foo Fighters - End Over End (5:51) 190. Foo Fighters - Still (5:12) 191. Foo Fighters - What If I Do (5:02) 192. Foo Fighters - Miracle (3:29) 193. Foo Fighters - Another Round (4:25) 194. Foo Fighters - Friend Of A Friend (3:13) 195. Foo Fighters - Over And Out (5:16) 196. Foo Fighters - On The Mend (4:31) 197. Foo Fighters - Virginia Moon (3:49) 198. Foo Fighters - Cold Day In The Sun (3:20) 199. Foo Fighters - Razor (4:53) 200. Foo Fighters - All My Life (Live Earth) (4:36) 201. Foo Fighters - My Hero (Live Earth) (5:55) 202. Foo Fighters - Times Like These (Live Earth) (5:14) 203. Foo Fighters - Best Of You (Live Earth) (5:18) 204. Foo Fighters - Everlong (Live Earth) (5:36) 205. The Game - Intro (0:32) 206. The Game - Dreams (4:46) 207. The Game - Higher (4:05) 208. The Game - Church for Thugs (4:00) 209. The Game - Put You on the Game (4:14) 210. The Game - The Documentary (4:11) 211. The Game - No More Fun and Games (2:37) 212. The Game Feat. Jr Reid - Its Ok (4:18) 213. The Game/Tony Yayo - Runnin' (4:26) 214. Gwen Stefani Feat. Akon - The Sweet Escape (4:08) 215. Jay-Z - Hard Knock Life (3:46) 216. Jibbs - Chain Hang Low (3:29) 217. Joe - If I Was Your Man (3:52) 218. John Legend - P.D.A. (We Just Don't Care) (4:32) 219. Justin Timberlake - What Goes Around...Comes Around (5:12) 220. Justin Timberlake - Senorita (4:57) 221. Justin Timberlake - Like I Love You (4:45) 222. Justin Timberlake - What You Got, (Oh No) (4:33) 223. Justin Timberlake - Take It From Here (6:16) 224. Justin Timberlake - Cry Me A River (4:50) 225. Justin Timberlake - Rock Your Body (4:29) 226. Justin Timberlake - Nothin' Else (5:01) 227. Justin Timberlake - Last Night (4:49) 228. Justin Timberlake - Still On My Brain (4:39) 229. Justin Timberlake - Take Me Now, (And She Said) (5:33) 230. Justin Timberlake - Right For Me (4:31) 231. Justin Timberlake - Let's Take A Ride (4:46) 232. Justin Timberlake - Never Again (4:34) 233. Justin Timberlake Feat. Stat Quo - Summer Love Remixes (3:52) 234. Juvenile,Nelly,JaRule - Hip Hop Remix (17:01) 235. Kandi - Don't Think I'm Not (3:57) 236. Kasabian - Club Foot (3:40) 237. Kelly Rowland - Can't Nobody (4:00) 238. Lady Soverign Feat. Missy Elliot - Love Me Or Hate Me (3:39) 239. Lauryn Hill - Doo Wop (That Thing) (3:55) 240. Lemar - Tick Tock (3:26) 241. Lethal Bizzle - Mr (2:29) 242. Lloyd Banks Feat. 50 Cent - Hands Up (4:02) 243. Lordi - They Only Come Out at Night (3:49) 244. Lost Prophets - Rooftops (4:08) 245. Ludacris Feat. Mary J. Blige - Runaway Love (4:39) 246. Ludacris Feat. Nate Dogg - Area Codes (3:33) 247. Mark Morrison - Return Of The Mack (4:22) 248. Marsha/The Game - Start from Scratch (4:07) 249. Mary J. Blige/The Game - Don't Worry (4:11) 250. Mary Mary - Shackles (Praise You) (3:03) 251. Memphis Bleek Feat. Jay Z - What You Think Of That (3:40) 252. MIMS - MIMS - Mims - This Is Why I'm Hot REMIX (ft (3:28) 253. Missy Elliot - The Rain (4:02) 254. Mr Hudson And The Library - Too Late (3:07) 255. Musiq Soulchild - B.U.D.D.Y. (3:45) 256. My Chemical Romance - 05 Welcome To The Black Parade (5:00) 257. My Chemical Romance - The End. (1:52) 258. My Chemical Romance - Dead! (3:15) 259. My Chemical Romance - This Is How I Disappear (3:59) 260. My Chemical Romance - The Sharpest Lives (3:20) 261. My Chemical Romance - Welcome To The Black Parade (5:11) 262. My Chemical Romance - I Don't Love You (3:58) 263. My Chemical Romance - House Of Wolves (3:04) 264. My Chemical Romance - Cancer (2:23) 265. My Chemical Romance - Mama (4:39) 266. My Chemical Romance - Sleep (4:43) 267. My Chemical Romance - Teenagers (2:41) 268. My Chemical Romance - Disenchanted (4:55) 269. My Chemical Romance - Famous Last Words (4:59) 270. My Chemical Romance - Blood [Hidden Track] (2:53) 271. Mystikal - Shake Ya Ass (4:13) 272. N Dubz - You Better Not Waste My Time (5:09) 273. Nas Feat. Will I Am - Hip Hop Is Dead (3:46) 274. Nate Dogg/The Game - Where I'm From (3:08) 275. Nate Dogg/The Game - Special (3:57) 276. Nathan - Do Without My Love (3:44) 277. Naughty By Nature - Opp (4:28) 278. Nelly - Nellyville (4:15) 279. Nelly - Hot In Herre (3:48) 280. Nelly - Oh Nelly (4:03) 281. Nelly - Pimp Juice (4:52) 282. Nelly - Splurge (5:09) 283. Nelly - The Gank (4:48) 284. Nelly - #1 (3:18) 285. Nelly - Say Now (5:42) 286. Nelly - 5000 (2:11) 287. Nelly Feat. Beanie Sigel, Freeway & Murphy Lee - Roc The Mic (Remix) (4:18) 288. Nelly Feat. Cedric The Entertainer & La La - Gettin It Started (1:51) 289. Nelly Feat. Cedric The Entertainer & La La - "In The Store" (1:40) 290. Nelly Feat. Cedric The Entertainer & La La - **** It Then (1:38) 291. Nelly Feat. Justin Timberlake - Work It (4:22) 292. Nelly Feat. Kelly Rowland - Dilemma (4:49) 293. Nelly Feat. King Jacob - On The Grind (4:45) 294. Nelly Feat. Kyjuan, Ali & Murphy Lee - Dem Boyz (4:34) 295. Nelly Feat. Kyjuan, Ali & Murphy Lee - Air Force Ones (5:04) 296. Nelly Feat. Kyjuan, Ali & Murphy Lee - Cg 2 (4:32) 297. Nelly Feat. Toya - Stick Out Ya Wrist (3:52) 298. Nelly Furtado - Say It Right (3:35) 299. Neyo - Because Of You (3:47) 300. Nickelback - How You Remind Me (3:43) 301. Obie Trice - Pistol Pistol (Remix) (2:25) 302. Obie Trice & Ca$his - We Ride For Shady (3:08) 303. Obie Trice Feat. Kuniva, Bobby Creekwater, Ca$his & Stat Quo - Cry Now (Remix) (5:09) 304. Omarion - Entourage (3:54) 305. Omarion Feat. 50 Cent - Ghetto Superstar (Entourage Remix) (3:48) 306. One Chance - Private (3:17) 307. Outkast - Hey Ya! (3:46) 308. Outlandish - Look Into My Eyes (4:03) 309. P!nk - U + Ur Hand (3:32) 310. Petey Pablo - Get Me Out Of Jail (3:08) 311. Pitbull - Bojangles (4:01) 312. Plan B - Mama (Loves A Crackhead) (3:55) 313. Plan B - No Good (4:55) 314. Pretty Ricky - On The Hotline (4:00) 315. Proof - Trapped (0:58) 316. Pussycat Dolls Feat. Timbaland - Wait A Minute (3:42) 317. R. Kelly - I'm A Flirt (3:22) 318. Rihanna - SOS (4:00) 319. Rihanna - Kisses Don't Lie (3:52) 320. Rihanna - Unfaithful (3:48) 321. Rihanna - We Ride (3:56) 322. Rihanna - Final Goodbye (3:14) 323. Rihanna - Crazy Little Thing Called Love (3:23) 324. Rihanna - Selfish Girl (3:38) 325. Rihanna - P.S. (I'm Still Not Over You) (4:11) 326. Rihanna - A Girl Like Me (4:18) 327. Rihanna - A Million Miles Away (4:11) 328. Rihanna - If It's Lovin' That You Want (4:08) 329. Rihanna - Who Ya Gonna Run To (4:04) 330. Rihanna - Pon De Replay (Full Phatt Remix) (3:23) 331. Rihanna - Coulda Been The One (3:38) 332. Rihanna - SOS (Jason Nevins Glam Club Mix) (7:43) 333. Rihanna - Push Up On Me (3:15) 334. Rihanna - Don't Stop The Music (4:27) 335. Rihanna - Breakin' Dishes (3:20) 336. Rihanna - Shut Up And Drive (3:33) 337. Rihanna - Say It (4:10) 338. Rihanna - Sell Me Candy (2:45) 339. Rihanna - Lemme Get That (3:41) 340. Rihanna - Rehab (4:54) 341. Rihanna - Question Existing (4:08) 342. Rihanna - Good Girl Gone Bad (3:35) 343. Rihanna - Cry (3:53) 344. Rihanna - Shut Up And Drive (Mix) (6:36) 345. Rihanna - Breakin' Dishes (Soul Seekerz Remix) (6:04) 346. Rihanna - Don't Stop The Music (The Wideboys Club Mix) (6:37) 347. Rihanna - Question Existing (The Wideboys Club Mix) (6:12) 348. Rihanna - Push Up On Me (Moto Blanco Club Mix) (6:37) 349. Rihanna - Good Girl Gone Bad (Soul Seekerz Remix) (6:35) 350. Rihanna - Haunted (Steve Mac Classic Mix) (6:25) 351. Rihanna - Say It (Soul Seekerz Remix) (5:48) 352. Rihanna - Cry (Steve Mac Classic Mix) (7:23) 353. Rihanna - SOS (Digital Dog Mix) (6:22) 354. Rihanna - We Ride (3:56) 355. Rihanna Feat. Dwane Husbands - Dem Haters (4:19) 356. Rihanna Feat. Jay-Z - Umbrella (4:36) 357. Rihanna Feat. Jay-Z - Umbrella (Seamus Haji & Paul Emanuel Remix) (6:27) 358. Rihanna Feat. Ne-Yo - Hate That I Love You (3:39) 359. Rihanna Feat. Ne-Yo - Hate That I Love You(K-Klassic Remix) (7:41) 360. Rihanna Feat. Sean Paul - Break It Off (3:34) 361. Roll Deep - Badman (3:06) 362. Sadie Ama - Fallin' (4:05) 363. Sadie Ama - Fallin (4:05) 364. Scissor Sisters - I Don't Feel Like Dancin' (4:48) 365. Scissor Sisters - She's My Man (5:31) 366. Scissor Sisters - I Can't Decide (2:46) 367. Scissor Sisters - Lights (3:35) 368. Scissor Sisters - Land Of A Thousand Words (3:50) 369. Scissor Sisters - Intermission (2:37) 370. Scissor Sisters - Kiss You Off (5:02) 371. Scissor Sisters - Ooh (3:29) 372. Scissor Sisters - Paul McCartney (3:44) 373. Scissor Sisters - The Other Side (4:22) 374. Scissor Sisters - Might Tell You Tonight (3:20) 375. Scissor Sisters - Everybody Wants the Same Thing (4:22) 376. Sean Kingston - Intro (0:33) 377. Sean Kingston - Kingston (3:28) 378. Sean Kingston - Take You There (3:56) 379. Sean Kingston - Me Love (3:24) 380. Sean Kingston - Beautiful Girls (4:02) 381. Sean Kingston - Dry Your Eyes (3:32) 382. Sean Kingston - Got No Shorty (3:21) 383. Sean Kingston - There's Nothin (feat. Paula Deanda) (3:57) 384. Sean Kingston - I Can Feel It (3:26) 385. Sean Kingston - Drummer Boy (3:36) 386. Sean Kingston - Your Sister (3:30) 387. Sean Kingston - That Ain't Right (3:40) 388. Sean Kingston - Change (3:38) 389. Sean Kingston - Colors 2007 (Reggae Remix) (feat. Vybez Kartel & Kardinal Official) (4:34) 390. Snoop Dogg - Think About It (3:37) 391. Snoop Dogg - 10 Lil' Crips (3:15) 392. Snoop Dogg - Round Here (3:42) 393. Snoop Dogg - A Bitch I Knew (4:32) 394. Snoop Dogg - Beat Up On Yo Pads (2:57) 395. Snoop Dogg Feat. Akon - Boss' Life (3:22) 396. Snoop Dogg Feat. Akon - I Wanna **** You (2:58) 397. Snoop Dogg Feat. B-Real - Vato (4:44) 398. Snoop Dogg Feat. Charlie Wilson & Justin Timberlake - Signs (3:56) 399. Snoop Dogg Feat. Damian Marley - Get A Light (3:41) 400. Snoop Dogg Feat. Dr. Dre & D'Angelo - Imagine (4:42) 401. Snoop Dogg Feat. George Clinton - Intrology (1:59) 402. Snoop Dogg Feat. Ice Cube - LAX (3:21) 403. Snoop Dogg Feat. Jamie Foxx - Psst! (2:59) 404. Snoop Dogg Feat. Nate Dogg - Crazy (4:26) 405. Snoop Dogg Feat. Nine Inch Dix - Which One Of You (3:32) 406. Snoop Dogg Feat. Pharrell - Drop It Like It's Hot (4:26) 407. Snoop Dogg Feat. R Kelly - Thats That (3:20) 408. Snoop Dogg Feat. R. Kelly - That's That (4:17) 409. Snoop Dogg Feat. Stevie Wonder - Conversations (3:38) 410. Snoop Dogg Feat. The Game - Gangbangin' 101 (4:02) 411. Snoop Dogg Feat. The Warzone & Kurupt - Don't Stop (3:22) 412. Solange - White Picket Dreams (4:19) 413. Stat Quo - By My Side (4:06) 414. Stat Quo - Tryin' Ta Win (3:52) 415. Stat Quo - Get Low (3:19) 416. Stat Quo - Billion Bucks (3:41) 417. The Streets - When You Wasnt Famous (3:19) 418. Swifty McVay & Mr. Porter - Whatever You Want (2:49) 419. Thomas the Tank Engine vs. 50 Cent - Thomas In Da Club (1:11) 420. Timbaland Feat. Justin and Nelly - Give It To Me (3:55) 421. Timbaland Feat. Justin Timberlake - Give It To Me (3:55) 422. Tinchy Strider - Breakaway (4:22) 423. TLC - No Scrubs (3:29) 424. Toni Braxton - He Wasn't Man Enough (3:59) 425. T-Pain Feat T.I. and Stat Quo - Im Sprung (3:55) 426. TQ - Westside (5:01) 427. Trick Trick Feat. Eminem - Welcome To Detroit (4:01) 428. Usher - Pop Ya Collar (3:31) 429. Various Artists - America's Most Wanted Remixes (6:04) 430. Whitney Houston - It's Not Right But It's Okay (4:39) 431. Wu-Tang Clan - Gravel Pit (3:43) 432. Xzibit - What U See is What U Get (4:15) 433. Xzibit - Paparazzi (3:51) 434. Xzibit - Foundation (3:53) 435. Xzibit - Symphony In X Major (3:36) 436. Xzibit - Front 2 Back (3:00) 437. Xzibit - Get Your Walk On (3:41) 438. Xzibit - Hey Now (Mean Muggin') (4:03) 439. Xzibit Feat. Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg - X (4:08) 440. Xzibit Feat. Eminem - Dont Approach me (4:30) 441. Xzibit Feat. Eminem, Nate Dogg - Say My Name (4:28) 442. Xzibit Feat. Nate Dogg - Criminal Set (4:03) 443. Xzibit Feat. Nate Dogg - Multiply (3:48) 444. Ying Yang Twins Feat. Wycleef Jean - Dangerous (4:21) 445. YouTube.com - PS3 Song (3:33) P.S. Winamp has renamed all my files!!! How do I undo it? (See Attatchment!) I know this sounds weird but as you can probably tell, when I play the song, it renames them, weird huh?
  23. Lol even though this may be entirely true and very accurate I think we need to stay on topic! Hence, as the time drifts by, new songs pop up on my playlist, the current one is below, hope you enjoy it :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Glz6pcyOq-A
  24. Wow thanks alot, I'll go try that now, and go find where I can get Acrobat and for how much etc. Thanks for the help Diablo, As always I need to spread some Rep before I + Rep your maxed out bar again Lol.
  25. Lol, Go baldred! I would + Rep you just for that but I need to spread some Lol. This song made me smile the first time I heard it so I'm putting a video below, hope you all enjoy it :D P.S. At least listen so far as the verse from 2.40 - 2.30 minutes left, that's the best part :)
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