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Everything posted by -Lr-SpeedraceR

  1. I like this theme ! :) Related by a group of (almost) same cars :)
  2. It's a really cool car for cruise (especially slow cruise :D)
  3. Yes, but police never comes in this area of the town lol... they prefer catch nice people driving 1km/h over the speed limit in a 2x2 lane road...
  4. Thx :) Yes, the airport area is cool, we don't see enough pics from there ^^ About my vote, it's for Speed. Really simple idea (an Aston Martin in front of Aston dealership ^^), but really beautiful shot :)
  5. okay, feel free to ask me when i'm on on Xfire ;)
  6. Hey :) I dont know if everybody got the same luck (or unluck) than me, but lot of various things happens just around my home. And as I like take pics of everything, I got lot of pics :p For exemple, this afternoon, I was spectactor of quad and bikes racing in a park... Full Size : http://michaelmichael33.free.fr/index.php?fpp=50&did=2-2&fid=82 If u have nice pics, let's post them :)
  7. Thx :) A few new pics from Mafia event, and other simple cruises :)
  8. That's a great work, thx guys ! It will be very useful :)
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