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Everything posted by -Lr-SpeedraceR

  1. http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb262/_tdu_pics_/20080127153211mod.jpg This one, looks so great ! :)
  2. It's from Trackmania United (http://www.tm-united.com/index_en.php), a greeaaat & cooool game, the only one I play with TDU ^^
  3. I might be not there tonight 6.30PM :/ If I can't come, can I drive in an other group later ?
  4. Some screens from several games :) You cand find MORE MORE & MORE here : http://michaelmichael33.free.fr/Screenshoots/
  5. I made A LOT of pics on this great game, see there : http://michaelmichael33.free.fr/index.php?fpp=50&did=3-18 Some sample :p
  6. I played TMN during TMS>TMU transition. But now I only play TMU !
  7. 5. Simple, clean :) But if you want add the "special", i'll vote for the 6. or 7. but with the word special attached to "TDU Central", in one lign only under Top gear logo and text ;)
  8. Maserati Gransport rides, and Pagani Zonda shoots for the PotW !
  9. Just tried these sounds :) Gallardo sounds are great, but a bit strange sometimes. F430 sounds are great, great and great :) RS4 sound, we can hear it better now, but I dont really like it. 350Z sounds, great :)
  10. Beautiful as usual :) I like the one with the ship :)
  11. Sorry, I will not be there... going to a party. Have a great cruise :)
  12. Finally i just downloaded Xfire.. my username : 33speedracer33 , feel free to add me ;)
  13. Day 1 [un-restricted] : CLK DTM AMG [stage 1] Day 2 [C Class or below] : Maserati Gransport [stage 3] :)
  14. Yes these sounds are great... I found them onto another place, I dont know if its the same... but these new sounds are lot better than the original one's
  15. Interesting restrictions :) And already beautiful entries :/ ^^
  16. I want all :D They're beautiful :) I really like the red KXR, want more :p
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