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    test drive unlimited

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  1. eugh things are getting outright insane over at tdu2.com - not eve in a funny way. anyone been there lately? one guy is even threatening suicide over the non release of the exp pack to 360...

  2. the latest patch has already been submitted to sony and microsoft so i'd say it's very likely this one will be unaffected by the strike... fixing further issues however could be a different question...
  3. hard to allocate blame without really knowing exactly who is responsible for what. one thing is for sure tdu2 deserves to have more resources put behind it...
  4. casino code given away but stay tuned for other points of interest. my thanks go out to those out there that make me feel like i have an audience :)

  5. i don't think they accept anything over $1,000 they certainly didn't like $10k 0r $5k
  6. downloaded to mu and set aside for later experimentation - just give the word... in the meantime the update was taken off of xbox marketplace pretty sharpish. i don't expect any finallity to this today...
  7. it's certainly a touch smoother than the ps3 version. ps3 does have those "exclusive" cars though... plus the 458... going through the game twice off the bat makes for slow work though lol
  8. they've only had since last summer to prepare :rolleyes:
  9. the lost game save issue needs addressing - if the game doesn't work properly the game isn't going to be very prolific once word gets around.
  10. aww the air brake doesn't move accurately does it - otherwise we would have seen a clip of it doing it's job surely?
  11. might be a patch waiting for launch day - maybe waiting till at least tuesday might be an idea? personally i think a custom button config option is more important than any of those listed by elder (which i also fully expect to be completely ignored in every patch we ever get).
  12. i really must be in the minority - i only see plusses in all this. were there complaints like this for soulcalibur 4 when it came to light you could have either yoda or darth vader? eventually both were available via dlc - the parallels are there ;)
  13. ahh an actual positive and legitimate reason for owning both copies *fizzsmiley2000* :D
  14. not sure if this has been reported already but i've just got back from a visit to my local 'game' store. i was asking about their method of transmitting the pre-order bonus content - a card is given containing the dlc codes apparently. i was also told that they have stopped guarenteeing people who pre-order with them the bonus content (veyron and casino). effective as of feb 1st. apparently they have run out (?!?!). if you have pre-ordered with game after feb 1st please return to the store you pre-ordered from and check that you will get your bonus material!
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