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Everything posted by Camel

  1. Here are the preview videos for todays episode. Transmission
  2. Later on in the video it revs to redline. Could be running a program in the background that edits the auto/manual setting in the RAM so he can change between auto and manual without pausing it. Or found a way to edit the menu so auto is actually manual.
  3. It looks like the N7 is a true collectors edition, only seemingly in the UK though where the Game group have exclusivity. :rolleyes: Sounds like they've sold out for the Xbox.
  4. I'd have a guess at them being different resolutions(size). Probably for the different screen resolutions you can play with.
  5. When you're driving into the city on that road you go faster than on all other roads. It's like you're drafting a car all the way down it when there's nothing in front of you.
  6. That's a beard? :cheeky:
  7. :welcome:
  8. :welcome:
  9. :welcome:
  10. :oook: :leaves:
  11. Good day with some extra good on top. :)
  12. I turned my back at the whole
  13. Accidentally destroy the servers so they can't release DLC2? :mhmm:
  14. I veto pancake day!
  15. Send you a link for what? Google? :hmmm:
  16. I wish I could take mine to a track day. :(
  17. It'd take me a week to eat one of those. :eek:
  18. Sods law. :lol: We were going to get a cheap set for the new car but decided not to. Was a good decision and the car is pretty good on the snow and ice, even on it's summer tyres. Just need to turn TC off otherwise the car won't even spin the wheels.
  19. It's fine to post in another language if it's easier. Just put an English translation underneath.
  20. :lol: I would've done the same. Just to make Suarez *spits* feel as small as possible. And that's after around 70,000 people booing him for 90 minutes. Liverpools chairmen and owners are also rather annoyed at Suarez. Maybe he'll be gone this summer?
  21. Runs perfectly fine on my PC. :) 1 More expensive card(not that mine is) is better than 2 cards in SLI/Xfire.
  22. Just figured out how to set my amp up so it only plays music through the front 2 speakers and sub. No point having the other speakers on because it just splits the channels. Sounds much better now too. :) I've only had my amp for nearly 4 years. :fp: Oh, and some other good stuff happened but I'll not go into that. :hmmm:
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