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Everything posted by Camel

  1. 30 years since they last performed together. Also joined later on by Mason. *happy*
  2. You can only do that online.
  3. Paradox, but FlameDoggs was pretty close behind.
  4. They look good, but I personally don't like things like that. Parts from a higher end model on lower models.
  5. Camel

    RS 4 Cabrio?

    Please post requests in the request section, thanks.
  6. Mb also.
  7. :hello:
  8. TDU 505. Really like that type of photo, especially when it's good quality.
  9. *cough* This is in the PC section. :p
  10. Paradox too.
  11. GhostPL for me, love that shot.
  12. :hmmm: Hope there is more of this to come and also hope it's the same on the consoles too. Might be tempted to drive around that area again seeing as though it's not barren open land anymore.
  13. Improved handling of all cars, more akin to that of hardcore mode in TDU1. Ability to repeat cups/championships for a large reward. Not necessarily the maximum reward that you get first time around.
  14. Nope, and I don't think it's possible.
  15. Camel


  16. Now to wait for Diablo. :)
  17. I'd like it if the game was made by Turn10(Forget that they only make Xbox games, it's an example). I don't see any of the hackers or modders getting banned because it's been 3 months already. Whereas if this was made by Turn10 then none of the hacking or cheating, or not as much would go on online. But with the way it is it's a bad idea because people will get the cars without paying for them yet the people who are unwilling or won't know how to mod the game have to pay for them.
  18. :welcome:
  19. Here's another one for you, is vegan cheese, cheese?
  20. I think it was mentioned in one of the E3 interviews.
  21. Yes... No... Maybe?
  22. That's just crazy and the second one definitely looks faster.
  23. If it's true I think they should still do all of the cars they have planned, but only do half of each car. Then all you need to do is hold a mirror up to you TV or monitor and it'd be like the whole car is there!
  24. Looks much like the list that's been floating around on TDU2.com for the last week or so. :cheeky: I doubt most of them will end up in DLC though. They could just be leftover strings in a database from a very early build before manufacturer license negotiations had started/finished. I believe Diablo saw a Lambo Lp-something or other being modeled when he got invited to the Eden headquarters.
  25. As I said in daniels photothread earlier, that just looks brilliant. They should make it for real!
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