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Everything posted by Camel

  1. Awesome thread is awesome. In future it might be a good idea to quote the original source and maybe a bit of text or images about the subject of the thread. :rolleyes: The only part I like about the car is the front lights, they looks quite aggressive, but other than that it's too curvy.
  2. How did you make Win7 look like that? :)
  3. Afroman, found it on Spotify last night. And just noticed Who has already posted it. >.<
  4. If they do reward beta testers, they should only reward the ones that have given an adequate amount of feedback and not used it as a demo. I also think it'd be a good idea if they gave something to all the people who applied for the beta that didn't get in. If just to say that they did notice you. Some people really do need to be grabbed by the shoulders, shaken violently, slapped and told to stop being hysterical. A game is just a game, a means of entertainment, not a lifestyle.
  5. Welcome to the forum! :)
  6. Please don't assist people in acquiring software illegally. Thanks.
  7. I highly doubt they will change much, if at all. It'll be running the same game engine with all the same things in it minus bugs and glitches. If anything, it should perform slightly better on the given requirements. But if anyone is planning on upgrading their PC just for this game, I'd recommend waiting till a couple of weeks before the game i out as new hardware will be out and the current hardware will be much cheaper then.
  8. Could be a rubber duck they can put on their cars or dashboard.
  9. -1 I'd also suggest the LG that Jazzi suggested as my mum and my brother both have the same model and I have an older but similar model. Great TVs, especially for their price.
  10. I'd call mine Stickers! or A Dodgy Camel. xD
  11. ...followed by a crash in a 'segg. :p
  12. Sometimes some users can't change the titles of a few of their threads. No idea why but if you want me to change the title, PM me with a link to the thread and what you want it to be called.
  13. I drove out in the countryside to see this. I tried to take a photo on my phone but it was just blank xD And then it got cloudy and rained on me. :(
  14. :welcome: to the forum!
  15. Mrs Softie for me this time. The quality seems a bit better than the other two entries to me.
  16. Andreaz1 for me.
  17. :oook: I don't see why that was funny. Like I said on the last page, any dates you see are just speculative and are placeholders.
  18. :welcome: to TDUCk! :panic:
  19. I tried it on the Xbox and it looks shocking. :eek: made my eyes sad. xD Will try it on the PC tomorrow. :)
  20. That's a Monday, games are released on Fridays in Europe. And dates you see will just be place holders for each shop/company as no date has been announced other than first quarter of 2011.
  21. No, I don't think sfy had read the announcement. The announcement says the first quarter of 2011 so it won't be out in the first fiscal quarter for the US.
  22. You know that won't happen if Atari have anything to do with it. This is just about the only news we've heard in the last month about TDU2 and that was under the pretense that it was to be released in 6 weeks time. Now they have 4.5 to 7.5 months till the release of the game. They will either show everything about the game in this time and leave nothing new at release making the game feel old at it's release. Or they will just carry on doing what they have been doing since March, releasing bland screenshots of the same cars in the same areas. I'm happy and annoyed that they have delayed it. Happy because it's giving them extra time to get the game right and ready for a proper release. But annoyed because we probably won't get any new info and that it's been delayed over 4 months just to polish a game. 2 months would have been understandable to me but over 4 months and maybe half a year to polish a game. Just no. I've been losing a lot of interest in TDU2 recently due the lack of everything but I'll probably still buy it when it eventually gets released. But I personally think that they have handled the whole thing quite poorly again. This and other things they have let me down with. Wake me up when it's out. :zzz:
  23. Happy birthday Iced if you're still around.
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