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Everything posted by Camel

  1. Early videos and interviews stated that an ingame 24 hour cycle took roughly 2 and a half hours realtime. The weather is also dynamic, so it should work in a similar way to GTAIV. As to the clocks in the cars, we'll have to wait and see.
  2. You put it in the TDU2 section so I don't know why you thought it should be somewhere else. :p Yes there is a racetrack on TDU2, at least one in Ibiza and at least one in Oahu iirc. Nothing has been mentioned about unlocking the race tracks. But you don't get the chance to go to Oahu until you are level10 in game so you'll have to wait till at least then to use the race track in Oahu. The Ibiza track can be seen on the image of the Ibiza we have knocking around her somewhere. It should be in the image thread in the TDU2 news section.
  3. :welcome: to TDUCk!
  4. Sorry, but if you think it's so easy, why don't you do it?
  5. There's a thread about it a few below this one. I don't know if it will be of much help though. http://forum.turboduck.net/showthread.php?t=19947
  6. That is so awesome xD Especially from 1:00 onwards.
  7. We can't provide you with original game files so a fresh install of TDU may be required.
  8. Please provide and English translation when you use any other language. Thanks. And if you keep up the good work, you'll get a modder badge in no time.
  9. That wouldn't work, you can only use a megapack key for the megapack. Perhaps you know someone who lives in the UK that you can give money to for them to buy the megapack for you?
  10. I believe it's 32, I'll go and look for the pictures about it. E: This shot shows 30 so I'd think 32 was the max but it could be anything though as these were taken from one of the early trailers. And here is our Diablo look a like. http://lh6.ggpht.com/_gEJLJGnDt0Y/TAUQJwuxQcI/AAAAAAAAAL0/TxHppKiFv6Q/s800/01.jpg
  11. Stop requesting in other peoples mod threads.

  12. That's actually pretty good. Different, but good. :p
  13. Lol, I do get up before midday you know. Just don't bother with the laptop most mornings.

  14. :hello: Welcome to TDUCk! And your English is good.
  15. Here are a few I found here, there may be more in the same section. http://forum.turboduck.net/showthread.php?t=15801 http://forum.turboduck.net/showthread.php?t=15821 http://forum.turboduck.net/showthread.php?t=15783 http://forum.turboduck.net/showthread.php?t=14483 http://forum.turboduck.net/showthread.php?t=13420 http://forum.turboduck.net/showthread.php?t=17243
  16. See, I know these things... Okay, just this thing. :(
  17. I'd assume PC seeing as though it's in the TDU PC section. :p
  18. Asot, well, I was before it finished anyway. First time and I thought it was quite good. :)
  19. Or send me the hard drive and I'll recover it for you. :p Have a look around on the internet for a free trial of file recovery software. Even after a reformat, the data is still there and will be until you overwrite the area of the harddrive where the file was kept.
  20. Yea, I thought that too. We're like vultures. :lol:
  21. Looks like a mini water fountain thing to me.
  22. I just hope the majority that were chosen are mature enough and sensible enough to provide Eden with helpful feedback about the game and not just play it and not contribute anything.
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